Introducing Publications

Konvergenz Studio
Konvergenz Publications
4 min readMay 14, 2019


Konvergenz Publications

In our welcome post, we talked about the basic idea behind the studio. Today we would like to go a little more into detail of the brand by introducing our publications.

Let me start with the brand´s name: Konvergenz is the German equivalent of convergence. Generally, we could say, convergence is the process of spaces approaching each other.

In our case, we are particularly interested in the convergence of technology, design, and science.


Over the past 15 years we developed, designed and iterated products and services together with companies, agencies and institutes. Our roots are in user interface and user experience design and research.

Throghout our projects we noticed a number of patterns within our work that we would like to develop further. Our work will continue in the studio. Publications is our space to reflect and explore thoughts and ideas between technology, design and science.

So, small spoiler: We will be thinking out loud about ideas that might be unconventional at times. Still curios? Then lets move on to the first series!

The Mirror


We have a theory to confess: Technology is a reflective medium.

Let me put this out there. The first time we were aware of our own reflection as humans was probably our shadow. A little later we have noticed ourselves on a surface of water.

The reflection was rather unclear, crooked by the water and wind, the intensity of the sun and the dirt on our face.

At some point the mirror was invented. The reflection became clearer. With the tools of industrial production we have perfected the mirror to where it today shows a clear and sharp refelction of yourself.


So, what if the screen of your smartphone, your tablet and your laptop are the same thing? And on a more complex level, with all technology that we surround ourselves with, do we create an image of us that we can now alter beyond the clarity of a physical mirror?

Same, same but different? Over the decades we have evolved. We are now creating alter egos, avatars and optimise ourselves with the tools we have at hand today. We start to explore our own DNA, we alter it, we can build whole worlds within the digital space. As of last century, creating new worlds was still a privilege to gods.

What are we actually doing with this mirror? Are we seeing ourselves clearer than before? Are we looking through the mirror into another space we havent seen before? Is it technology that changes us or is it something else altogether?

Those are all questions we would love to explore with you together in The Mirror. We are quite excited to share the first articles with you next week!


Digital Fabric


Speaking of which, has technology changed us? Well, let me refine that question a little.

How do we use technology to evolve our culture and environment?

With the creation of the digital space we have gathered a whole new set of tools to build things.

We built physical products and put our thoughts on paper in the past, we still do. We used natural materials to build fabric, clothing and packaging.

Today there is a new fabric that surrounds us. One we cannot see at first sight. Data, digital services and products that we carry with us, that influence our behaviour, our choices. Our thoughts and memories.

We are able to bend time and travel within it to places we havent seen before. The definition of truth has evolved to a prism in which news cant be understood as true, fake or reliable. Though, were they before? Or do we now have a larger amount of data, perspectives and knowledge at hand we still have to figure out how to weave it into the right fabric? This is the discussion we would like to have with you in our second series, Digital Fabric.


Field Notes


The last but definitely not least interesting piece to the puzzle are our field notes. There is a set of physical notebooks filled with annotations and reflections that want to be documented and discussed.

There are interviews, testings, proof of concepts, experimental methods and rather unconventional approaches to projects that happen at the intersection of technology, design and science.

Navigating through the first phases of building the foundation for a startup. Failing and moving on. Literally moving from Germany to China to build one of the first augmented reality smartphones.

Or to stand up for a converging space between startup culture and proven industries.


To not let you wait for too long we will end this introduction right here. The first article for The Mirror is currently in the making and we really cannot wait to share it with you. Until then you can browse around our other publications, listen to the audio version of this article or visit us on Dribbble to find some free wallpapers for your smartphone.

Take care and until next time!



Konvergenz Studio
Konvergenz Publications

Building stronger common grounds between systems, people and strategic visions.