The driving force behind fear

Harry Ven
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2020
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Fear of ghosts makes us avoid dark places.

Fear of failure makes us not to take a chance.

We fear for wealth, for relationships, for health. We seem to fear about things that are within our control. In a way, we fear our inaction, not the danger in itself.

Fear is an amazing tool.

Fear is what we see in the face of a threat. Fear is about doing something, anything, to protect ourselves.

We can use fear to make people realize that they have something to protect. The most manipulative politicians, marketeers and businessmen know how to do this.

Status Quo

Everything has a threshold for threat. Our body, mind, status, ideas, money. Our identity. We all have a need to protect them, to keep them the way they are, at the minimum. We have lived a life and we want more, not less. At a minimum, we need to keep what we got, right?!

Our life today, in spite of everything, is important to us. The moment we lose control of it, we can go rock bottom. At least, that’s how it feels like. We could lose everything we have. Even if it’s not much, we got something and we have the incessant need to not let it go!

Fear stands on the top of our memories

Fear stands on the top of our past. A human with no past has no fear.

You can touch fear every time you don’t go with status quo. Status quo defines us in one way or another — the place we live, the person we are with, the things we do today.

Losing status quo feels like losing self.

So when fear strikes, we can either try and protect what is ours, protect what we are used to have in our lives. Or use it as a way to disconnect ourself from the past — past experiences, biases, triggers, impulses.

When we let go of our expectations, goals, impulses, triggers — what is left of us? Who are we, then?

Fear projects itself on the future. It is like how the waves are rough when the deep sea is turbulent.

Fear of future is a symptom. What causes the turbulence, is in our past.

Harish is an entrepreneur and story-teller building products that solve for our emotions, feelings and psychology



Harry Ven
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