What to do when nothing inspires you anymore

Harry Ven
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2016

Vacuum. Void. Windless silence. An abyss. You have no idea as to what is going on inside you. You throw a stone. Nothing. You throw a boulder. Still nothing. You stare at your computer screen. You just sit staring. For hours. You eat because its a habit. You watch TV. For more hours. You sleep. But you do not want to wake up. Because nothing is stirring up any more, inside you.

Nothing inspires you anymore. You used to be a man of chaos. When you were filled with millions of thoughts all screaming at the same time. When there was an entire city inside you. Going berserk. Now, they are nowhere to be seen. Silence is deafening than noise.

It feels like you have lost the love for life. Lost love for things that moved you tremendously once upon a time. Its like a land that lost all its fertility. And there is no rain at sight. You are withering away in a desert. And there is not even a mirage at sight. What you do then? what you do now?

Where are those things that once inspired you. Things that once made you alive. Where are they now. The universe is so big, your meaning for something can be so unique to yourself. Look at your past incidents when you were full of life. Why can’t you, now? Your current location does not explain it. Nor does your age. Or your marital status. Or things you are told you should have, that you don’t.

You did not get inspired because of a lack of situation. You got inspired because of the meaning something created in you. A person. A piece of artwork. A book. A movie. Why it did? Why of all creations out there? What is that invisible thing between you and “those” things that create meaning in you. Where is it now?

Its like you are in the middle of the sea and you lost your anchor. Like you are the kite and the string gets cut. Find that anchor. Find that string again. That connection will tell more about you than you ever know. That connection is how you find yourself again. Its the one that gives you an idea about who you are. Look at all the things that you inspired, all things that inspired you. Why you are not able to feel it any more? Remind yourself what drove you in the first place.

When the world crowds you with noise. When everyone seems to rush behind something. When we are all supposed to think and feel a certain way. When we all have to weigh our decisions against feasibility and profitability. Its the connection that reminds you why. Why you did what you did. Why you even started. Why does it still matter. That’s your path in the universe. Not paths of successful people. Your path.

You wanted to start a business because you wanted to do things that no one tried before. Like Billy Beane in Moneyball. Or like Michael Burry in the Big short. That’s what created the love in you to make a difference. To go against the odds, prove people wrong and unleash value. Not to fit into society’s concept of success and failure. But be your own.

Or you wanted to connect with people. That’s why you started writing. Or creating videos. Now you are just worried about number of people who view and recommend your stuff.

We all fall in love and then lose it. We have to regain it if we have to feel anything at all. Because feeling is in the things we love. When we don’t feel anything we did not lose those things. We lost what connected us to the things we loved. Now those things look meaningless. Stop trying to feel again and start trying to fall in love again. And again. And with luck, you might find out, what makes you love.

A critical part of falling in love with me is the connection I have with myself. The deeper I go inside myself, the stronger I feel the connection. This is why I use Konvos at times when nothing inspires me.



Harry Ven
Editor for

Enabling mind conversations that matter at https://www.konvos.me. Tech enabled extended cognition .