
Kirrick Wise
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2017

What does it mean to take full accountability over your reality? I can only answer that question through my perspective. I believe that taking full accountability of your reality means that you hold yourself responsible for everything that happens to you, and you only. When you decide to take full accountability over reality, you start to co-create with our Creator. You can only do that when you realize that you are responsible for everything that happens to you. Our spirits give us the ability to manifest and will anything decide to put our minds to. When the human puts their mind to doing something the entire universe works along to make that thought a reality. If you feel like you don’t control your reality that means you can’t control your thoughts. In order to manifest, you have to be able to quiet your mind where you can’t hear anything. Then you have to be able to focus your attention on whatever it is that you are working toward manifesting. This is not the only thing you have to do but it will lead you in the right direction. Please understand that just thinking about something enough will not be the only thing you have to do to manifest a dream. The universe conspires to help people that are in motion, not people that just sit and wait for things to come. So after you are able to focus your mind on what you really want and quiet your thoughts no matter where you are then you have to implement action. You have to pursue your dreams with dedication and persistence. Once you figure out what you want do to with your life don’t let anything stop you. Research your craft and then master your craft. Put yourself in a position where you always push yourself out of your comfort zone. In the process of you manifesting your dreams you will face adversity. Your family, your friends, and sometimes even the universe will challenge you and make things difficult to accomplish. In your time of adversity never waiver, continue to believe in yourself under all circumstances. Remember this, when the God and the Universe have a plan for you nothing can stop that plan from happening. Throughout this journey of manifesting you will have to have patience. Gardens don’t grow over night so keep that in mind while your pursuing your dreams.

Creating a reality for yourself is not an easy thing to do. We live in a world where this society creates a reality for you, and most people just follow the status quo. When you decide to be different and create a reality that you want to live in most people will envy you and hate you for it. Things will go wrong with your plans and when they do you have to be able to maintain your state of mind. Negative thoughts and actions kill dreams and create depression in people because everybody has a dream and everybody wants to bring that dream to life. Negative thoughts, actions and people will kill your dreams like a garden full of weeds. So when you’re manifesting your reality, it’s best to do it by yourself or around other like-minded people that see life through the same lens as you. If not, you will watch your dreams die and it will break your heart. In the process of bringing your dreams to life, keep this in mind, “Dreams don’t have an expiration date”. It can happen in ten years, or 20 but as long as you stay consistent, and always believe in yourself you will eventually bring your dreams to life. When things don’t go your way don’t waiver or question your plan. Take a minute to think and come up with a new strategy. Remember that negative energy and negative thoughts are poison to the process of manifesting a reality for yourself. This is why it is very important to be able to quiet your mind at all times. We live in a world where at any given time you can watch a negative movie, tv show, read a negative book, encounter a negative person and the story goes on. Most people don’t understand that negative things happen to them because they don’t filter what goes in and out of their psyche. If you want to truly be able to control your reality, then you have to filter what comes in and out of your mind. Consciously you might think that you don’t hold those negative thoughts but keep in mind that your subconscious is like a sponge that soaks up everything that you see. So, it’s best to put yourself around positive people that create positive thoughts. If not, you will find yourself in a bad dream that you never wake up from. Nina Simone said that true freedom is living life without fear. In order to do that you have to be able to keep a positive and balanced mind under all circumstances. This is not an easy task to do but if you made it to the end of this blog I believe that you have what it takes to manifest any reality you want.

Ok I’m going to end this blog by saying this, when you decide that you want to take full accountability over your reality you have to let go of any resentment you have for anybody in your life. It doesn’t matter how many people hurt you, it doesn’t matter how many people let you down, you take full responsibility for everything that comes in and out of your life. As human beings, we tend to take something happening to another person as our problem, that problem turns into you having a bunch of negative thoughts and then those negative thoughts will lead to you creating a negative reality for yourself. So, if somebody in your family dies that shouldn’t ruin your life. Why it shouldn’t it ruin your life is because you can’t control when people die. We are all on our own personal journey, all though we may connect with people throughout our journey eventually we will have to finish that ride on our own. So, when people die you should be sad for a while but then you should reminisce about the memories you shared with that person and know you will eventually see them again. That’s why it’s very important to love and cherish the people you love because you never know how long you have with them. We have been convinced as a society to show all our I admiration when a person dies, maybe we should start doing that while the people we love the most are alive. Taking full accountability over your life to means that you look forward to adversity because you know it is an opportunity for you to grow and evolve. Control your thoughts and take time to quiet your mind. Life is meant to be an adventure and at the end of your journey you can say you learned, you evolved and you played your part in changing the world for the better.

Originally published at on July 8, 2017.

