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A Word From the Chair - Guest Feature by Lindsey Barber

| Ben Stallings |
3 min readJul 31, 2022


Image of Kootenai Democratic Chair Evan Koch

Prior to the 2020 presidential election, I asked a friend if she had requested an absentee ballot. She told me she wasn’t even sure she was going to vote. “I mean, is my life really going to be different tomorrow, regardless of who wins?”

I paused as I considered letting it go. It can be hard to be candid with someone you care about, especially when politics are involved. But this was about more than politics. This was about being a good ally — using my influence to help amplify the voices of folks whose needs should be better supported in public policy. Finding my resolve, I replied, “No. Maybe your life won’t be different, but that’s because you’re speaking from a place of privilege. Some peoples’ lives will be very different tomorrow depending on who wins. You need to vote for their sake.”

She admittedly hadn’t thought about it from that perspective, and she did vote, but when I reflect on our conversation, I see two important lessons. First, being an ally isn’t always easy. It was hard for me to tell her why I thought she should vote. I was afraid she would think I was calling her self-centered or that I was implying I was a better human or something — it was tough knowing my effort to be a good ally could have hurt my friendship. Second, being an ally doesn’t come naturally, even to the most wonderful people. We have to help each other practice it and remind each other to consider the impact of both our actions and our inaction.

So how can I be a better ally?

There are many correct answers to this question, but let’s think in terms of politics.

Start by confirming you are registered to vote and that your voter registration is current. Next, pay attention to the elections calendar. Use the resources at VoteIdaho.gov and KCgov.us to know when elections are happening and what will be on the ballot. Third, research the candidates. You can visit their websites, peruse their social media posts, watch candidate Q&A sessions and debates, or go to meet-and-greets. If it’s not obvious from your research, ask them directly how they plan to support immigrants, Asian-Americans, parents, the LGBTQIA2S+ community, veterans, disabled people, students, women, Black folks, renters, small business owners, refugees, or any other group that needs better representation in the government. Finally, use your vote to ensure we elect well-vetted candidates who acknowledge and support vulnerable or underrepresented groups.

You can also take action by donating to candidates, writing letters to your state senators and representatives, or making phone calls to congressmen. You don’t have to have a uterus to support safe access to abortions. You don’t have to be LGBTQIA2S+ to urge your legislators to Add the Words. You don’t have to be an immigrant to lobby for immigration reform.

Like my friend, I am a white, married, cisgender, heterosexual woman. I own a home and have a secure professional career. I don’t wonder where my next meal is coming from or struggle to pay my power bill. I have health insurance, clean water, and reliable transportation. I’ve never had to make a judgment call on how honest to be when someone asks if I have a significant other, and I never expect to hear racial slurs aimed at me in public. I can call the police without wondering if I’ll go from victim to accused, and I don’t have trouble finding a therapist or doctor who supports my specific needs. Rent and child care expenses don’t overwhelm my budget. I have the right to vote, I’m legally protected from discrimination, and there’s always an appropriate box to check when I fill out forms.

There are a lot of people in Kootenai County who sit in a similar place of privilege; there are also many people in Kootenai County who experience everyday challenges and could use our support. Let’s make sure we take it to the ballot box this November.



| Ben Stallings |

| PC Network Specialist | Android Developer | Wireless Field Technician | Print Strategy Specialist | Big Data Enthusiast | @btstall