Throwing Money: Letter to the Editor

| Ben Stallings |


Written by: Jan Studer

It’s a great thing for our democracy to have another reliable source of information to form our beliefs and to cement our voting choices. The Mountain States Policy Center might be another one of those sources. However, I must point out that the simple use of a demeaning verb (“throwing”) will not help in presenting a non-partisan and helpful set of policies. The statement by Chris Cargill, CEO, shows a negative bias toward public education that has prevailed for years. He said, “Spending more money [on K-12 public education] does not equal better outcomes.” Except, instead of talking factually about effective spending, he said it’s important for people to understand that THROWING money at K-12 schools doesn’t guarantee great results. Please stop using the term “throwing money at schools,” and
instead talk about “investing in our schools and students.”

“Throwing” implies wasting money. Is it a waste of money to maintain tax-payer-funded and built
buildings? Is it a waste of money to build schools so our classrooms are not overcrowded? Is it a waste of money to pay our educators and support staff salaries and wages so they can afford to live in Kootenai County and work in our schools? Is it a waste of money to offer our students the same programs/technology/resources that children in other counties and states receive?

We invest in roads, parks, public lands, etc. We also INVEST in schools and students: our School Boards ensure prudent use of tax dollars.



| Ben Stallings |

| PC Network Specialist | Android Developer | Wireless Field Technician | Print Strategy Specialist | Big Data Enthusiast | @btstall