A Family Affair

by Saraswati Ratnanggana

Saraswati Ratnanggana
Kopernik in Action
2 min readJan 21, 2016


The Sumba sun was just rising on a lovely Saturday morning. Little Jasinda, not older than 5, still in her pajamas skipped out from the house. She ran straight to the garden, to a spot right where the sun’s rays fell. What was she doing up so early in the morning?

She was charging a d.light S2 solar light under the sun.

It’s a different day now; a family gathering is happening. Elders chat while chewing on (and spitting) betel nut, men enjoy black coffee and clove cigarettes, women prepare scrumptious meals.

But where are the kids? They are sitting outside and paying great attention to something. It’s Jasinda! She is explaining how to use the solar light to her friends. What a great image!

So who is Jasinda? Is she our youngest Wonder Woman?

Jasinda is the little sister of Imelda Lobo, a Wonder Woman from Sumba Island. She often accompanies Imelda who promotes clean energy technologies to their neighbours, friends, and family. Just like a sponge that absorbs everything, Jasinda has been watching her sister and become inspired. So, that’s how it all started.

Interestingly, it’s not only Jasinda who is impressed with the technologies. The whole family have jumped on the bandwagon. Since Imelda became one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women in August 2015, her father, mother and little sister started using the technologies and promoting her micro-social business.

“The technologies Imelda’s promoting are great and highly needed here. She also loves being in the program. So, of course we support her!” explains Imelda’s mother, who is a kindergarten teacher.

Imelda said her mother always promotes the cookstoves to fellow teachers whenever she can. Her mother can even prepare a better fire with the cookstove. “She knows how to get the perfect fire,” Imelda laughed.

Her father, on the other hand, promotes the solar light endlessly. Whenever guests visit, he brings out the solar light and starts “showing-off”. He also helps Imelda delivering the technologies with his motorbike.

Imelda’s mother also admits she can learn a thing or two about business and marketing by helping her daughter. “Imelda is busier than ever. She is always on the go promoting and delivering technologies. But we are happy to see her having extra income; and to travel so far to sell — even to Bunaken!” said Imelda’s mother.

Who would’ve thought — from a Wonder Woman comes a Wonder Family?!

Originally published at www.kopernik.ngo

