From Sumba to Aceh: A Long-Distance Friendship!

by Saraswati Ratnanggana

Saraswati Ratnanggana
Kopernik in Action
4 min readJan 21, 2016


So, what does it mean to be a Kopernik Wonder Woman?

To be able to start your own micro-social enterprise? Yes. To receive training and capacity building? Check. To empower yourself, your family, and your community? Totally.

But for Imelda Lobo, our top-performing Wonder Woman from Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara, there’s one more (slightly different and least expected) upside of being a part of the program: to develop a friendship that spans the length of Indonesia to the western most province of Aceh.

Imelda Lobo from Sumba


Few weeks back, I was in East Sumba on a story-gathering trip and I got to spend a lot of time with the lovely Imelda who is energetic, talkative, and positive. Our great conversations lasted for hours! During one of them, she checked her mobile phone and said something that took me by surprise.

“Excuse me, I need to reply this text from Ibu Fauziah from Aceh,” she said.

This intrigued me. How did a Wonder Woman from the eastern part of Indonesia come to know another Wonder Woman way far in Sumatera?

Just to give you some background: in October 2015, Imelda Lobo was chosen to represent Kopernik at the Smart Village Workshop in Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi. Alongside two Kopernik staff, another Wonder Woman went as well, she was Ibu Fauziah from North Aceh.

“It was our first time travelling so far from home, our first time in Sulawesi, and our first time speaking in front of a number of foreigners — plenty of firsts and shared experiences. We supported each other during and even after the event!”

Turns out, their friendship bloomed from this amazing trip in Bunaken Island.


So, what do they talk about?

At first they talked about how the Wonder Women program works differently in Sumba and in Aceh.

“I learned how the Wonder Women in Aceh work together as women groups — Ibu Fauziah’s group even use the margin of the technology sales to start a new flour milling business together. That is so amazing and we (in Sumba) should do it as well!” Imelda explained enthusiastically.

As they become closer, the topics of their conversations become wider and more personal: families, daily activities, the latest gossips, and just like most girlfriends, they even talked about ex-boyfriends!


Not long after leaving Sumba, my journey took me to Aceh. I was determined to meet Ibu Fauziah and hear her side of story of this long-distance friendship. Much to my surprise, she was already aware of my visit.

“Imelda called me yesterday, she told me you were coming to Aceh. Welcome!” Ibu Fauziah greeted me.

Fauziah from Aceh

At first glance, she was shy, reserved, very lady-like and older — almost the opposite of Imelda. But then again, friendship sees no color, age, weight or looks, right? And when I started to talk about Imelda, I can see that she is very comfortable sharing stories with Imelda.

“I never thought I could have a (good) friend outside Aceh. We are so different, yet that’s what makes our friendship exciting,” explained Ibu Fauziah.

I was there acting as a messenger as well. Imelda had been wanting to buy the ovPilot X solar light which are only sold in Wonder Women Western Indonesia’s program area. Knowing I was coming to Aceh, she asked me to buy that technology straight from Ibu Fauziah and to bring it back to Sumba.

“She really likes this solar light and she likes the color green as well,” Ibu Fauziah said while pointing at the technology.

Their friendship and the sweet small gestures made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s amazing to see how through the Wonder Women program, Kopernik can connect two inspiring and completely different women who not only learn from each other but to support each other.

“I hope one day I can see her again in person. Imelda also really wants to come visit Aceh, she wants to try the hijab look,” Ibu Fauziah giggled.

Yes, I do hope they can meet each other again. Most of all, I hope their friendship lasts for a long, long time!

Originally published at

