Emotional Intelligence — Why it is so important?

Amy Lim Jy
Kopi Date
2 min readJun 23, 2023


Our ability to understand and navigate social interactions plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. Emotional intelligence, as proposed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, offers valuable insights into the dynamics of social relationships. By honing the four aspects of emotional intelligence, we can enhance our interactions, build meaningful connections, and foster healthier relationships.

Perceiving Emotions:

The ability to accurately perceive and recognize emotions in oneself and others is fundamental to developing successful social relationships. It includes recognizing facial expressions, vocal tones, and body language to understand how people are feeling. By accurately recognizing and understanding the emotions of others, we can respond empathetically and provide the support and understanding that individuals need. Being attuned to non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, helps us decipher hidden emotions and encourages deeper connections.

Using Emotions:

Emotions are not merely fleeting sensations; they serve a purpose in our decision-making processes. In this sense, using emotions refers to the skill of using emotions to facilitate thinking and decision-making processes. It involves harnessing emotions to prioritize tasks, solve problems, and make effective choices. Emotional intelligence enables us to leverage our own emotions and those of others to foster collaboration, motivate individuals, and build trust. Emotionally intelligent individuals can navigate conflicts with empathy, defuse tension, and find common ground. In essence, the effective use of emotions can enhance our social relationships.

Understanding Emotions:

Understanding emotions, both our own and those of others, allows us to navigate complex social situations with greater sensitivity. It involves understanding the complex relationships between emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and being able to recognize the emotional states of oneself and others. When we comprehend the causes and implications of different emotions, we can respond appropriately, fostering deeper connections and avoiding misunderstandings. By recognizing the intricate interplay between emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, we develop a heightened awareness of the emotional states of others, which aids in effective communication and empathy.

Managing Emotions:

The ability to manage emotions is vital in social relationships, as it directly impacts our reactions and interactions. Emotionally intelligent individuals can regulate their own emotions, adapting them to different contexts and challenges. By maintaining emotional balance, we create a positive environment that encourages open communication and supports the emotional well-being of those around us. Additionally, managing emotions enables us to handle stress effectively, leading to healthier relationships and increased resilience.

Emotional intelligence acts as a bridge connecting individuals, fostering empathy, understanding, and cooperation. By developing emotional intelligence, we enhance our ability to form meaningful connections, resolve conflicts, and build trust. It enables us to communicate effectively, truly listen to others, and respond thoughtfully. Through empathy and emotional regulation, we can uplift others, inspire positive change, and create supportive environments that nurture healthy relationships.

