The Documenting Mind

Zhi Qun
Kopi Date
2 min readOct 5, 2019


“It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write” — The War of Art

The Sitting Down.

You sit down. All plugged in. Comfortably at a local library/ cafe with the most tasteful of environments. All ready to start on your masterpiece. You set aside 4 hours to craft out this viral piece and the clock ticks. 3 hours went by. You start to get anxious. How did those 10 minutes of gathering inspiration became 3 hours of procrastination with 19 chrome tabs opened? Damn. I need to start typing…

“Resistance is not a peripheral opponent. Resistance arises from within. It is self-generated and self-perpetuated. resistance is the enemy within.” — The War of Art

The Monkey Brain.

Should I start talking about the project I’m working on? No, I will save it for the 3rd post. Maybe I’ll write about something I can provide value for.. Product Management? No, I’m probably not experienced enough. Working at a high growth start-up? It’s boring. Quitting my dream job to start my own project? It’s not special enough.

“To yield to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than we are and were born to be.” — The War of Art

The Beginning

We want to do a show-and-tell in this space. To document all the work. Express it through our system, our lens. The point is to show flaws and opinions and embrace them. To share, to learn, to value add.

So follow us as Jing and I (both from Singapore) document our personal journey and learnings while going full time into Kopi Date.

Here’s a sneak preview:

  1. What is Kopi Date
  2. How to write better?
  3. Bootstrapping — an unspoken way to the top.
  4. Personal MBA.

Stay tuned! :)

