Our One-Year Journey Until the QuickBooks App Store

It’s a long way up the ring. Now let the game begin.

Laurent Guichard
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2020


We had two options: an invoicing solution or accounting software.

Back in November 2018, we released our first integration with Harvest, which is an invoicing solution. Immediately, we felt we had to start working on a new integration point to extend our market opportunities.

This is the story of our journey and the decisions we made for one year.

Accounting or Invoicing?

Harvest is an invoicing solution. This means that kopilot is limited to sales data. Too many times, users did not convert into subscribers for that reason that cash flow was not present in kopilot. As we integrated with a billing solution, we had no view on the expense part.

Integrating billing software again was the assurance of taking that same argument over and over again.

We opted for accounting software.

Blue Ocean vs. Red Ocean

Then, we had to choose between our different options: QuickBooks, FreshBooks, or Wave.

We faced an interesting debate:

  • Wave was releasing its first version of its API, opening its data to the public for the first time. This means that no seamless, integrated app was on the market yet. There was no competitor, and all market shares to win. But, a first version carries a particular risk of instability.
  • FreshBooks: we did not pursue our research.
  • QuickBooks has an App Store with a lot of competitors doing reporting and dashboarding.

We were just in the middle of choosing between a Red Ocean and a Blue Ocean, according to the distinction operated by Kim Mauborgne in his brilliant book “The Blue Ocean Strategy.”

If Blue Ocean means no competitor yet, it requires to educate the audience.
If Red Ocean means competition (and a war on prices, or differentiation), it also means an educated market.

We’ve chosen the Red Ocean.

Why, QuickBooks, then?

Additionally, to those strategic and tactical considerations, we choose QuickBooks over any other accounting software for both development and marketing reasons.

On the development side:

  • The developer documentation is of high quality.
  • There are sandboxes.
Sandboxes are a great tool to run our experiments.
  • There is an intense validation process at the end, which ensures quality and security to users.

On the marketing side:

  • There is an app store where millions of QuickBooks customers may have access to your app.
  • Intuit has a strong presence on social networks.
  • QuickBooks is among the most distributed accounting software.
  • Intuit offers different partnerships.

More than just building an integration point with QuickBooks, we wanted to be published on the app store and become a QuickBooks partner.

Working with Intuit & QuickBooks

Intuit’s promise is the following: “When you integrate your app with QuickBooks and publish on the QuickBooks app store, you should immediately get:

  • Access to a powerful distribution channel where small businesses look for apps that work with QuickBooks and meet their specific needs.
  • A free QuickBooks app store listing and App Card (landing page) that lets customers try or purchase instantly.
  • Exposure for your app within QuickBooks, where you’re listed as a compatible solution.
  • A free developer dashboard to manage your app and track results.
  • QuickBooks app store marketing programs that bring prospects to the site.
  • Marketing tools and tips from Intuit’s expert marketing team.
  • Credibility with the QuickBooks customer community and Intuit ecosystem.

QuickBooks has a global distribution network, which serves our ambition of being universal.

Intuit wants to create real partnerships for apps that demonstrate exceptional quality, service, and value to QuickBooks customers. Those few elected may be offered additional marketing opportunities. That’s dreamy!

The quality and professionalism of QuickBooks tools and support teams set the bar very high. This drives us to deliver the highest possible value.

Prepare the Review

The documentation was a significant advantage.

To help developers to create the best additional services, Intuit documented all the steps and review processes. Knowing what we’re going to be evaluated on helped us to be ready when the time comes.

What was even more appreciated was the documentation of the most recurring reasons for the application’s rejections.

The Review

The review process covers three topics: a technical review, a security review, and a marketing review.

The technical review is a pledge of quality. Apps published on the QuickBooks app store must not only meet the technical requirements at the time of publication but continuously after publishing. You should know that Intuit checks all apps annually to ensure that we still meet the technical and security standards required. Technical requirements detail how our app must initiate, maintain, and re-establish connection with QuickBooks.

The security review covers our server’s configuration. Intuit ensured our app is secure against the attack vulnerabilities, QuickBooks data usage, Cookie Management, and sensitive information protection.

The marketing review is the final portion of the evaluation. It is a focus on marketing. The goal of the app card review is to help you to be successful in the QuickBooks app store. This step covers topics such as the usage of QuickBooks naming and logo usages, pricing, legal agreements, and the app card.

The marketing review requires us to pay attention to every little detail.

The publication

The process took a total of 2️3️ days.

We have to admit that the interactions with the Intuit teams were enjoyable every time. Before each step, we had a discussion to explain what the stage was all about. And we told what kopilot was all about.

Luckily for us, the technical test was successful on the first try, as was the marketing test. The security test revealed two minor problems, which were quickly solved.

From now, we are on all app stores: Australian, Canada, France, India, United Kingdom, United States of America. 💪

And what about now?

kopilot belongs to the app store right now. We achieved the first step only.
Now the journey is starting.

It took us one year to land that mark.

And we’re going to do everything we can to capitalize on Intuit’s business pieces of advice.

Let’s meet again in six months to debrief.

Thank you for reading!

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Laurent Guichard
Editor for

Founder. Inspired sometimes. Husband, father of two.