Four ideas to improve your digital wellbeing in a pandemic

Carlotta Wackwitz
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2021

Last year arguably has been the most difficult year for a lot of us. Not only the fear of loved ones and yourself getting sick, but also losing jobs, working from home, and managing it all together.

It is apparent, the pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health. Missing real human interaction can lead not only to social isolation but also to a number of mental health problems like depression, burn-out, and anxiety.

That is why we need to talk about digital wellbeing.

We’ve gathered around some information, so you can start to change your life now!

Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

Digital Detox

Just like our body, our mind needs detox too. While liver, colon, and kidney regulate our body’s detox system itself, we actually have to consciously consider taking care of our mind.

Since social media is such a young invention to humankind, it is only adding to all the information, our brain needs to process anyways. We can easily feel overwhelmed and overstimulated. We can feel tired, exhausted, and anxious. It is just as important as drinking water, to give your mind a digital break.

Dedicate one day a week to digital detox. Disconnect yourself from the internet and prioritize your health over connectivity. Especially now, where everyone is connected 24/7 this may be difficult to do. But try it for a couple of weeks and let us know how it worked for you.


Some may think of meditation as an invention of the 21st century. Meditation however, actually has been around for thousands of years. First, written records originated in India, incorporated by Hindu traditions around 1500 years BCE, and is the earliest known way of spiritual enlightenment. Combining traditional meditation techniques with visualization can especially prepare for corporate and networking events. Try to incorporate only 10 minutes of breathing techniques and guided meditation into your workflow. You’ll reconnect with your body and soul, improve self-awareness, and learn how emotions can influence behavior. You’ll focus better, are less stressed, and overall happier.

Be active

Did you know while looking down at your smartphone, you are putting about 27 kg of pressure on your neck?

That’s six times the weight your neck is holding standing up straight. This additional strain can lead to neck pain, back pain and many more complications.

Stretch only a few minutes and you’ll feel better. Since you are spending a lot of your time inside, why not combine stretching with going outside. Go for a walk, explore a nearby forest or park. Just make sure, you’re doing everything while social distancing. With only 15 minutes of light physical activity, your body releases dopamine, the happiness-hormone and a natural stress-reducer. Taking care of your physical health is very much part of your digital wellbeing.

Find new ways to connect with colleagues

During the pandemic, everyone has been forced to stay home, to socially distance and to change their daily routines. Especially for people, who enjoy social interaction, networking and getting to know new people, this has been very hard. Those months may have been leading to feelings of boredom and frustration. But there is actually a lot you can do to combat those feelings. Turn on your camera and make sure you see people’s faces. Connect and talk with each other and break the silence. Since networking events can’t happen offline, many companies are offering new solutions. There are a number of platforms that host meetups for almost any kind of activity. Maybe you’ll find a new business partner or just a good friend. You don’t have to go outside to meet new people. Thanks to the internet, everything is possible!


The pandemic turned our world upside down, affecting our personal as well as our professional lives. Going from spending long hours in the office and meeting colleagues at corporate or networking events, to having to do everything out of the comfort of your own home. This new way of working is affecting our mental health, as well as our physical health.

Recognizing the impact technologies and digital services have on your wellbeing, is the first step to get through this pandemic safely.

Take care of your mental health, improve your digital wellbeing, and live a happier and more productive life.



Carlotta Wackwitz
Writer for

writer, entrepreneur, adventure-seeker & lover of unintended puns.