Cybersecurity Tips for Working from Home

Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2020

There is increasing evidence that malicious actors are using people’s fear to prey on remote workers. According to Google Trends, the search term “VPN” has drastically grown since the beginning of March all over the world.

Working remotely can create security risks. On top of this, opportunist crooks are already using the coronavirus as subject matter for their phishing scams, hoping that the unwary will click through and hand over passwords or other data.

The current situation has reignited the discussion on the effectiveness and security of remote work. While many workplaces are working from home during this period, some people argue that remote work is less effective or even risky for operations.

There are some simple steps you can take to keep safe. Here are some tips to make sure you’re practicing good cyber-hygiene while working from your home office:

Beware of Ransomware, Phishing.

Do not click any emails, links or attachments with COVID-19 subject that you cannot trust their sources, whether in an email or online — that promise to take you to Coronavirus updates. Instead, go directly to websites run by individual cities, states and school districts, or national organizations.

Decline any request for your banking information on telephone calls and SMS messages. Criminals are using a variety of means to make inroads with victims. In addition to emails and false websites, never give personal information over the phone, by text or through a mobile app.

Please Never reveal your Full ATM card number (PAN), PIN, Online passwords and token code to anybody. Korapay staff will never ask you for this information. Any calls, links or Emails requesting for these details are fraudulent and as such do not respond to it.

Have a secure connection.

Avoid public Wi-Fi, free or unknown Wi-Fi origins. These sources may be superintended by cybercriminals who can easily steal the data users transmit while on their networks.

People should not connect to wireless networks that aren’t recognized, especially those with “free” in the name or those defined as an “unsecured computer-to-computer network.” Luckily, these days most Wi-Fi systems at home are properly secured, but some older installations might not be. If your connection is insecure, people in your vicinity can snoop through your devices or files.

Update your wireless access point to the latest firmware version and make sure you are using WPA 2 to allow access to your wireless. Having a Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution for your PCs, laptops, and mobile devices create an encrypted network connection, which makes it safer for employees to access confidential or sensitive company resources.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication

This one is quick and easy. When you enable multi-factor authentication, you’re adding an extra layer of security to the apps you’re using. You’ll also want to make sure you’re using strong passwords and not saving them in your browser.

Make sure you limit physical access to your work laptop to just you. Keep it locked with your password when you are not using it just to keep curious kiddos from using it to play games.

Employers can do their part in ensuring that their employees are set up with the appropriate tools such as password managers and multi-factor authentication.

Share information within the company and at home.

Any suspicious or malicious emails or sites should be shared with company IT managers. They can alert others of the scam or stop it from going further. Have a discussion about potential threats with other family members and children working from home at the same time and how to handle them.


We hope these tips can help you stay safe and stay aware, no matter where they are working. However, as an employer, it is your duty to formalize working from home and remote work policies. Stay safe, stay positive! Keep in mind the immense and infinite capacity of humanity to survive in the wake of challenging times. Adapt and innovate in these #covid19 times!



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