Have You Seen Baby Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur?

Sophia Jihye Yun
Sophia Yun Candle and Soap
2 min readOct 15, 2019

Look at these cutest things I brought from local Costco.

I love Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur, especially with milk.

It makes the perfect pleasure and I enjoy Bailey Milk Cocktail after I tuck my babies into the bed.

And this time, it has more than one flavor I’m familiar with.

There are six different types of Bailey’s: Original Irish Cream, Vanilla Cinnamon, Salted Caramel, Espresso Creme, Strawberries & Cream, and Almande Dairy-Free (made with almond milk)

Which one I would like to taste first? Strawberries and cream for sure!

My husband teased me for picking up the pink one. Yes, I love pink!! Though I am pretty sure strawberry and cream tastes the best out of these six bottles. Not only because of the color preferences, but also because it’s a creamy liquor.

I’m not much a drinker myself, though I would like to keep these in my shelves.

It’s pretty, and cute. What else do we need for choosing your liquor bottle?

I hope other wines and beers make their bottles small and cute for holiday season.

It wouldn’t be so helpful for actual sales, but it can make the fan base happy and share the joyful moment with their friends and family.

For example, I’m going to open it for myself and my husband. And the second one for my closest girl friends gathering on weekends, and possibly third one with my cousins.

It’s more like, #instadrink for alcohol. Cute little bottles for marketing? You don’t have to work!

People who love sharing cute little things will just go “Awww..." And you have them with these kinds of special bottles.

I will share more about it when I actually taste all six bottles tonight and share it in my instagram. See how it goes!

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