Soy wax is not better than others.

Sophia Jihye Yun
Sophia Yun Candle and Soap
3 min readNov 12, 2019

The “research” was to “ boost the American agricultural economy and promote sustainability”

Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

I believe in scientific research. That doesn’t mean they always tell the truth. Okay, it’s based on scientific research, but how can they be wrong?

I think you have heard the word “frame” when we watch political shows. They tell the truth, but show in different ‘frame’.

Paraffin wax is as good as soy wax.

There is no 100% natural soy wax.

We eat food grade paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is not a bad thing!

Now you should study it straight to understand the truth behind this.


Some people argue that paraffin is bad for your health. We should know the people behind this statement to understand their purpose. Is this for killing candle makers? Is this statement for killing all paraffin wax manufacturer?

I found some websites mentioning about reasons why they don’t produce soy candles.

This is from and they explain why they don’t produce soy wax candles.

“Soy candles help our environment” — Not true! Our water systems in the United States are under severe strain. Many rivers no longer flow all the way to the sea; 50% of our national wetlands have disappeared and many major groundwater aquifers are being drained unsustainablely by commercial soy farmers.

“Soy candles are soot free and burn cleaner” — Not true! What makes a candle burn better is how it is engineered, not the wax. It has less to do with the wax and more to do with the fragrance, color, and wick combinations.

You can read more in their website. I recommend you to go and read all about it.

  • What about scientific research on soy candles?

You can read this article in here.

“… Writers often cite a 2009 study by South Carolina State University researchers that claimed that paraffin wax releases harmful chemicals such as toluene. However, this study has been called into question by the NCA particularly because it was never published in a journal and peer reviewed.”

It’s all false marketing! Marketers lie to public to sell soy wax candles. And this money comes from soy company. Wow!

Even that research was funded by soy farming company. They made lots of lots of money since then.

  • 100% soy wax can be misleading.

I also found this website, they also don’t produce soy candles.

“… A candle using soy wax is processed (like other candles) and has additives (like other candles) to make it burn. … Soy grown on an industrial scale has a multitude of negative environmental and socio-economic impacts. Just being a plant doesn’t make it Eco-friendly.”

See how that makes me feel, I bought all soy waxes these years just because I thought it’s eco friendly. But it was all false.

  • How is this even possible?

I mean, I believe in people, and people shouldn’t lie about what’s really important for ourselves.

But they did. Those people who are eager to earn money from soy wax, they lie to us.

I really thought that soy wax is farmer friendly, and it really helps farmers in USA. That’s one of the reason why I wanted to use it.

BUT, it actually doesn’t. Using soy wax for candle making only helps those big companies owning soy farms, they even produce GMO soy waxes.

Photo by Anuja Mary Tilj on Unsplash

Some candle waxes are NOT better than others. Now I understand the successful marketing story behind this.

To summarize, you should read the National Candle Association article about 4 myth about candles.


I am so confused, and upset. I will just treat soy waxes like other waxes. Soy wax is not better than any other waxes.

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