4 Ways to Improve Your Employment Chances After University

Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

It’s one worry getting a good degree and another entirely finding employment once you have it, especially in a role you want. It’s a struggle many faces, but in order to try and avoid any complications, we’ve comprised a list telling you the best ways to improve your employment chances after your time at university comes to an end.

Get some early experience

Experience is vital, but unfortunately, most people learn just how important it is after they’ve got their degree and are looking for a job. The best solution? Start stacking up the experience early.

Some students are under the illusion that experience needs to be a full time, nine till five type of thing, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sites such as Internwise allow companies to post part-time internship positions that offer work you can perform at home. They understand university studies come first and make it easy for students to gain some valuable experience while working around them.

Know the route you want to go down

It’s not unusual for university students to be none-the-wiser when it comes to their career path, and it’s normal to be unable to make a decision. But don’t fret, your university employs people to help you. Be productive: seek out your careers advisor and schedule in a meeting — you’ll thank us later.

They’ll ask you some questions and help you make realistic decisions, but they’ll also direct you to websites, such as Prospects, which use questionnaire’s to discover your characteristics and traits, telling you what jobs would suit you best. A list of careers will come up with information telling you the qualifications needed, the type of work you could expect and the salary expectations.

Think outside the box

This one doesn’t apply to everyone, but have you ever thought about becoming self-employed? Working for yourself allows you to create your dream job, one that allows you to be free, flexible and have control over your workload.

This pathway is best suited to those who will graduate with creative degrees. Start looking at the possibilities and opportunities long before you get your degree and store your best work, creating a portfolio to impress possible future customers. What’s stopping you starting now?

Take a break

Who said you needed to find your dream job right away? Take some time off from pursuing your career, after all, you’ve already spent the last few years at university doing so!

In fact, taking a break gives you a chance to fully understand what it is you want to do. Dedicate your time to getting some experience under your belt to proudly display on your CV, allowing you to start your dream job sooner than expected.

Or find a means-to-an-end part-time job and just enjoy not having to worry about studies or career for a while; you have your whole life to work, so maybe just stop and enjoy it for a moment.

Here at Kortext, we offer advice to people from those have been there and done it, so try and avoid the pressure of a postgraduate job and focus on your studies. Some people will start their career straight away and others won’t until much later. Your opportunity will come around and when it does, be ready to grab it with both hands.

Originally published at www.kortext.com by Matthew Maynard

