Journey Mapping: Resolving Pain Points in Healthcare Hardware Service Delivery

Bansi Mehta
Koru UX Design
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2020

Say all you want that the customer is the king, but it amounts to little unless your business takes active steps towards enhancing the customer experience in a holistic manner.

Our client, Medapparatus (name changed), a leading North American company providing Point of Care and Medication Management solutions was looking to plug the leaks in their service experience. This was with a view to reduce and improve their entire setup of resolving customer complaints and provide timely support.

Workflows in large enterprises are often discovered to be fragmented. Each department is known to function within its self-drawn boundaries, without acknowledging that they’re a part of a collective service experience. With this observation in hand, we created an end-to-end blueprint of the entire journey to ensure a unified service experience.

Why is journey mapping crucial?

Journey mapping is a compilation of user goals and actions into a timeline. It is used to convey insightful details that add value to the design process. In this case, the journey map would help stakeholders gain a bird’s eye view of the entire service workflow.

It would help pinpoint the areas where the quality of the service dips and rises, which enhances the accuracy of the solutions.

An in-depth analysis of the journey map and observational studies revealed undiscovered areas of lags that negatively impacted the overall service delivery. These ranged from an overworked customer service department to gaps in communication causing chaos.

At its core, the journey mapping exercise places the customer at the center of all your business decisions. It provides a true picture of your priorities and a clearer, more actionable roadmap to recovery. Read this case study on how we used journey mapping to resolve pain points to simplify service deliveries end-to-end in detail.



Bansi Mehta
Koru UX Design

Bansi Mehta is a UX Strategist and Founder-CEO of Koru UX Design