KOSMiiC Enlightenment Newsletter 1

Susana The Starholder⭐
KOSMiiC Enlightenment
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2 min readSep 2, 2024

Today is the day we change the world…

What are you talking about?

This is our first newsletter, it has to be memorable!

C’mon just write it already.

Hey! Don’t pressure the writer's process.

Every day is a good day to change the world. Why don’t you start with your own world, and the rest will follow?

We chose to come here on Earth. No one is here by chance because we all agreed to be here, at this time, on a mission of love. Love is our natural state of BEing but there's more to it than you think.

There’s something that comes through your heart and flows to every cell throughout your body in the blood, the action of which seems to flow in a form much like the shape of infinity. This is the purest form of love that is difficult to put into words because the concept of it extends beyond time and space. Everyone can feel it, if they learn to tune in to this music in our bodies. This is why we are sharing our paths to it so that you can try them yourselves. We are not experts, heck, we don’t even know what we’re doing half the time! However, I can assure you, that we are all doing the best we know how to reach the path of divine love, and we’re being honest about our journey to get there.

To surrender, to trust the Source, and to trust our souls are beautiful concepts that are meaningless without action. We take action according to what shows up in our path and feels right/resonates with us. This is what we share, in the hopes that you might find something that works for you as well.

We’re extending our gratitude to you, dear readers, for not only supporting our publication but also getting yourselves closer to enlightenment.

Love, Susana

Screenshot of Stats.

And to our more inspiring writers’ texts.

Screenshot from Stats.

Thank You.


The Starholder⭐



Susana The Starholder⭐
KOSMiiC Enlightenment

I was born to inspire and provoke in words and existence! An apostrophe, reminding you there's more to see - lightworker, gridworker in a higher love mission!