I was Wrong about Meditation is Bullsh*t

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4 min readMar 17, 2020


Every time my boss tried to persuade me to try meditating, I would just brush it off (sorry, Karen). Well, partly because she’s my boss so I couldn’t really say to her face what I thought at the time. But the most part was that I thought meditation was just plain bullsh*t (before I had my first meditation experience).

Before, whenever I heard the word “meditation”, my mind would instantly conjure up images of a woman wearing yoga pants and sports bra, sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, with the sound of a singing bowl playing in the background.

I mean, c’mon. You’re telling me that sitting there with my eyes closed is all I need to do to calm my mind when I’ve already tried SO MANY other methods yet none of it ever worked? (Trust me, my google search was full of how to relax my mind and how to calm my anxiety and how to let go of the voices in my head etc. — let me not go into the details.)

I’ve been back to college for more than a month now. And after a good summer break, I at first was struggling to get back on track of my busy schedule. I found myself falling behind on my tasks as time flied quickly, and deadlines kept coming and never waited for me. I realized that my stress level skyrocketed again, and my mental health plunged quickly with it as well.



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