Kotlin DSL | Coding a DSL: 5 — plus and minus operators and inline functions

Glenn Sandoval
Kotlin and Kotlin for Android
4 min readJul 12, 2021

Overloading plus and minus operators and high-order functions optimization with the inline modifier

You can go to any article of this series by clicking on one of the links below:

Kotlin DSL

  1. Introduction
  2. Base knowledge to build a DSL in Kotlin — Part 1
  3. Base knowledge to build a DSL in Kotlin — Part 2
  4. Codebase: Project Shapes-DSL
  5. Coding a DSL: 1 — Package structure and the ‘Panel’ object
  6. Coding a DSL: 2 — The ‘Square’ object
  7. Coding a DSL: 3 — The ‘Triangle’ and ‘Rhombus’ objects
  8. Coding a DSL: 4 — The ‘Empty Space’ and the ‘Composed Shape’ object
  9. Coding a DSL: 5 — plus and minus operators and inline functions
  10. Coding a DSL: 6 — The @DslMarker annotation
  11. Experimenting and conclusions

In the previous article, we defined space and composed functions which add “empty spaces” and composed shapes to the Panel respectively. We also created infix functions to create composed shapes in a more idiomatic manner. At the end of the previous article, the main method’s content looked like this:

main.kt — Step 8

In this article, we will overload + and - operators to merge shapes with an arithmetic-like notation. At the end of this article, the main method’s content should look like this:

main.kt — Final

Overloading operators ‘plus’ and ‘minus’

In order to overload + y - operators, we have to define 2 functions with the reserved names plus and minus respectively. The + operator corresponds to the union operation. The - operator corresponds to the intersection operation. To achieve the same behavior, we can make it either by copying both implementations or by invoking union and intersection functions inside these new functions. To avoid code duplication, we’ll go with the latter. Their signatures should look as follows:

operator fun Shape.plus(shape: Shape): ComposedShape
operator fun Shape.minus(shape: Shape): ComposedShape

💬 Let me remind you that in order to overload an operator, the function declaration must be preceded by the operator modifier.

plus function must invoke union function. Similarly, minus function must invoke intersection function.

Go to console_shapes_dsl.external package and add the following code to the Extension.kt file:

▶️ If you run the code, you’ll see that it works again.

Finally, we have achieved our goal. We have created a DSL to replace the initial code…

main.kt — Initial

…with a more idiomatic one…

main.kt — Final

Although our DSL is ready to be used, there’s one more thing left to do to improve it a little bit.


In the article Base knowledge to build a DSL in Kotlin — Part 2, I showed how inline functions work and why sometimes they are necessary.

To improve our DSL performance, we can mark our functions with the modifier inline. I mentioned 3 indicators to consider making a function inline. These indicators are:

— It’s a high-order function.
— It’s not larger than 4 lines of code.
— It’s invoked repeatedly.

panel, square, triangle, rhombus and composed functions comply with the the first two indicators. Since these functions are not invoked repeatedly, marking them with the modifier inline wouldn’t make any difference in terms of performance. However, we are going to pretend that we have a use case where adding shapes in a loop is required, just for illustration purpose.

Go to console_shapes_dsl.external package and open the Extension.kt file. Mark panel, square, triangle, rhombus and composed with the modifier inline. These functions should look as follows:

▶️ You can run the code; however, you won’t notice a performance gain. This change is merely symbolic and just for illustration purpose.

Although we already have a functional DSL, there’s still a very important detail that you must take into account and that has to do with restricting the scope within lambdas, but I will cover that in the next article.

Continue with the next article Coding a DSL: 6 — The @DslMarker annotation

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Glenn Sandoval
Kotlin and Kotlin for Android

I’m a software developer who loves learning and making new things all the time. I especially like mobile technology.