Kotlin Fundamentals (part I)

Tanvi Goyal
Kotlin Classes
Published in
7 min readMay 24, 2020

When I joined my first company, I was asked to learn Kotlin because we have to redo the entire portion of our software in production to migrate to Kotlin!

What!! Are you serious? But why? I was infuriated, I was confused. Why would someone touch the already working and in production code! Well, I have got my answers and I’m glad we did that.

So let’s start exploring it in detail.

Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java, and the JVM version of its standard library depends on the Java Class Library, but type inference allows its syntax to be more concise.

Kotlin was introduced in Google I/O 2017 and it was officially announced as the preferred language for Android app developers on 7th May, Google I/O 2019.

This short presentation at Google I/0 2017 on Introduction to Kotlin gives us a good glimpse and overview of the language and its capabilities.

In this series — Getting Started with Kotlin, we will start with the basic Kotlin fundamentals, moving on to loops, classes, functions, and other higher-order concepts by experimenting them with real-world examples and problems.

This Part -1 will cover the fundamentals of Kotlin -

  • Why Kotlin
  • Variables in Kotlin
  • Operators in Kotlin
  • String templates
  • Conditional Expressions
  • Loops and Ranges
  • Nullability (Elvis and Bang Bang Operator)

You can also find the source code of these examples at —

  1. Why Kotlin

There are mainly 3 advantages that Kotlin provides.

a) Modern and Concise

As Java was released 20 years ago, each new version of Java has to be compatible with the previous one thus piling up all that legacy baggage, while Kotlin is a newer, lighter, more concise and expressive language that lets you focus on expressing the idea properly and write less boilerplate code.

Let’s consider an example.

Suppose we need to make a data class Box that has 3 parameters — length, breadth, and height. Java Code for defining the Data class Box will be -

public class Box {
private int length;
private int breadth;
private int height;
public int getLength() {
return length;
public void setLength(int length) {
this.length = length;
public int getBreadth() {
return breadth;
public void setBreadth(int breadth) {
this.breadth = breadth;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public void setHeight(int height) {
this.height = height;

The same data class in Kotlin would look like -

class Box {
var length = 0
var breadth = 0
var height = 0

Amazing! Isn’t it? Well, that’s not all.

b) Interoperability

Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java so you can easily use Kotlin in your existing applications. Both Kotlin and Java generate the same bytecode, so there’s no fear that you’re shipping something completely different with Kotlin. This also makes it possible to use all the existing Java libraries in your Kotlin project.

c) Safer Code

One of the major pitfalls in any programming language is that accessing a member of a null reference will result in a null reference exception.

Kotlin provides @Nullable and @NonNull type to help you avoid Null Pointer exceptions. What that means is the type system distinguishes between references that can hold null and those that can not. We will discuss them in detail later in this article.

2) Variables in Kotlin

Kotlin mainly provides 2 types of variables - var and val. Read-only local variables are defined using the keyword val i.e they can be assigned a value only once while variables assigned using var can be reassigned.

3) Operators in Kotlin

Operators are the same in Kotlin as in Java with the addition that Kotlin provides member/extension functions for them.

For example -

var c = 10c += 1; // using operators// using extension functions
c.plus(1) // (Arithmetic operators)
c.minus(1) // (Arithmetic operators)
c.unaryPlus() // used for +a (unary operator)
c.inc() // used for a++ (Increment operator)

4) String Templates

A template expression starts with a dollar sign ($) and consists of either a simple name or an arbitrary expression in curly braces. String templates can shorten string expressions by reducing the need for explicit string concatenation.

Let’s see an example -

val hours = 3
val minutes = 15
val time = “ Time is $hours hours and $minutes minutes”

You can call methods in your string template using curly braces like -

time = “${getConvertedTime(currentDuration)} / ${getConvertedTime(totalDuration)}”

5) Conditional Expressions

Like Java, Kotlin also uses if/else as conditionals statements, but it can also be used as an expression. Kotlin replaces switch condition with when with many more capabilities.

Considering this example -

// if as expression
fun isNoon(hourOfDay: Int) = if (hourOfDay >= 12) true else false
// properties of when
val type = 12
when(type) {
0 -> print(“Type is 0”)
in 1 .. 10 -> println(“Between 1 to 10”)
!in 10 .. 20 -> println(“Not in 10 to 20”)
is Int -> println(“Type is of Int Type”)
else -> println(“Greater than 10”)

6) Loops and Ranges

Like Java, Kotlin also offers various loops with additional features.

a) For Loop

The basic syntax of For Loop remains the same as in Java. It iterates over anything that is iterable or anything that is itself an iterator.

For example -

val arrayList = arrayListOf<String>(“a”, “b”, “c”)
for (element in arrayList) {
print(“$element “)
O/P - a b c

We can also print through elements and index at the same time using withIndex() function.

for((index, element) in arrayList.withIndex()) {
println(“$index is $element”)
O/P -
0 is a
1 is b
2 is c

b) While/Do-While Loop

While and do-while loops are pretty same as of Java, but the condition for the loop must be an actual boolean expression -

var x = 0
while (x < arrayList.size) {

c) Repeat

Kotlin also offers repeat for iterating over elements. It will execute the given action n no of times. Internally repeat also uses the ‘for’ loop for execution.

repeat(3) { i ->
println(“We are on the ${i + 1}. loop iteration”)
O/P -
We are on the 1. loop iteration
We are on the 2. loop iteration
We are on the 3. loop iteration

d) Ranges in Kotlin

Loops offer various manipulations in ranges -

Using .. operator, the endpoint is included in the for loop and hence the code below will give IndexOutOfBoundsException as it will run from 0 to 3

for(index in 0..arrayList.size) {
print(arrayList[index] + “, “)

Using until we can exclude the endpoint for the loop and now it will run from 0 to 2.

for(index in 0 until arrayList.size) {
print(arrayList[index] + “, “)
O/P - a, b, c,

To print the list in decreasing order we can use downTo which is also inclusive of both the starting point and endpoint.

for(index in arrayList.size — 1 downTo 0) {
print(arrayList[index] + “, “)
O/P - c, b, a,

Step control the increment in the loop.

for(index in 0 until arrayList.size step 2) {
print(arrayList[index] + “, “)
O/P - a, c,

We can simply iterate over elements like -

for(element in ‘d’..’m’) {
O/P - d e f g h i j k l m

6) Nullability in Kotlin

As we discussed above, Kotlin provides @NonNull and @Nullable types of references. In this example, we have 2 variables hours(NonNull) and mins(Nullable). A list of operations performed on these variables explains how Kotlin ensures null safety.

Accessing any property of Nullable type would result in the error -

We can avoid this using the safe call to the property using ?. or !!. operators.

a) Safe Call Operator

?. is called the Safe call operator. What it does is it first evaluates mins, if it is not null then only evaluates mins.length.


b) Elvis Operator

?: is called the Elvis operator. What it does is it first evaluates the statement/expression on its left, if it is not null makes it the result of the expression else executes the right side of the operator.

print(mins?.length ?: 0)

c) Bang-Bang Operator

!! is called the Bang — Bang or Double bang Operator. It converts any value to a non-null type. It is generally used in a situation where we know the value is not null, but the compiler doesn’t realize it and this often happens when we are interacting with our java code.

For example, if we want to decrement the length we get from the above expression, calling dec() function on it would result in an error -

Because we know length will always be non-null, we can use bang-bang operator on property length.



So, In this article, we learned about why and how we can use Kotlin in our existing/new projects. We saw some fundamental concepts and how Kotlin can easily make your code more efficient, more readable with lesser lines. Try experimenting more with these concepts with the already set up source code in my repository.

There is a lot more that we will cover in the next articles.

  1. Part 2 - Functions in Kotlin
  2. Part 3 - Generics in Kotlin

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Any feedback, suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated!

Keep Learning!

Tanvi Goyal

