Kotlin Tip #13: Manage Lambda Expressions with Label References — 100 Kotlin Tips in 100 Days

Raphael De Lio
Kotlin with Raphael De Lio
2 min readFeb 22, 2024

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Tip #12: Learn About Lambda Expressions

In our previous tip, we talked about Lambda Expressions. What we didn't mention is that managing nested lambda expressions can sometimes introduce complexity, especially when you need to return from an inner lambda. This is where label references come into play, offering a clear and concise way to navigate through nested lambdas.

Nested lambda expressions can lead to confusion regarding the scope from which you’re returning. Consider a scenario where you have a lambda expression inside another lambda.

Without clear management, it might be ambiguous whether a return statement intends to exit the inner lambda, the outer lambda, or even the enclosing function.

That's where label references come into play. Label references in Kotlin provide a solution to this ambiguity by allowing you to specify exactly from which scope you wish to return. Labels give you the ability to tag a lambda expression and then use that tag to reference the lambda’s scope explicitly.

You can label a lambda by placing a label before the lambda expression, followed by the @ symbol:

By adding the numberLoop@ label to the outer forEach lambda and using return@numberLoop, we clearly specify that we want to continue with the next iteration of the outer loop, rather than exiting processNumbersWithLabels entirely. This approach removes ambiguity and ensures the code behaves as intended.

Kotlin also allows you to use implicit labels, which are automatically provided for lambda expressions passed to inline functions. The label has the same name as the function:

This code uses return@forEach to return from the current iteration of forEach, not from the enclosing function, thanks to the implicit label matching the function name.

By providing a clear and explicit way to specify return points, labels help maintain the readability and maintainability of Kotlin code, lLabel references in Kotlin offer an elegant solution to managing nested lambda expressions, making it easier to control the flow of execution in complex scenarios.

I hope you have enjoyed the thirteenth tip of our series! Don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned for more Kotlin tips!

Stay curious!

Tip #14: Use Inline Functions to Avoid Performance Overhead


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