Kotlin Tip #2: Leverage String Templates — 100 Kotlin Tips in 100 Days

Raphael De Lio
Kotlin with Raphael De Lio
2 min readFeb 11, 2024

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Tip #1: Prefer val over var

Kotlin’s design philosophy is all about conciseness and safety, and the String Template is a demonstration of this. This feature allows the direct embedding of variables or expressions within a string, eliminating the clumsy concatenation operations we see in languages such as Java.

The simplest form of a string template involves inserting a variable directly into a string. We can do it by using the $ symbol followed by the variable name:

val name = "Raphael De Lio"
val greeting = "Hello, $name!"

The value of this feature is more evident when we’re working with long or raw strings:

val firstName = "Benedito"
val lastName = "Calixto"
val age = 28
val profession = "Software Developer"
val yearsOfExperience =
val location = "Santos, SP, Brazil"

val profileSummary = """
|Name: $firstName $lastName
|Age: $age
|Profession: $profession
|Experience: ${yearsOfExperience} years
|Location: $location
|Status: ${if (yearsOfExperience > 10) "Senior" else "Intermediate"} $profession


For more complex scenarios, we can also enclose expressions using ${} within the string:

val hoursWorked = 9
val hourlyRate = 20
val earnings = "Today's earnings: $${hoursWorked * hourlyRate}"

Or even calling functions from within the string:

val firstName = "Steve"
val lastName = "Jobs"
val yearOfBirth = 1955

val userDetails = """
|Name: ${fullName(firstName, lastName)}
|Age: ${calculateAge(yearOfBirth)} years old


I hope you have enjoyed the second tip of our series! Don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned for more Kotlin tips!

Stay curious!

Tip #3: Utilize type inference


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