Kotlin Tip #30: Use reified type parameters to avoid type erasure — 100 Kotlin Tips in 100 Days

Raphael De Lio
Kotlin with Raphael De Lio
3 min readMar 10, 2024


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Tip #29: Use Sequences to Boost Performance in Large Data Processing

A common issue in many JVM-based languages is that generic functions lose their type information at runtime due to type erasure. This means that if you wanted to check the type of a generic parameter inside a function, you couldn’t do it directly because the type information isn’t available at runtime.

In this example, the function isListOfString is supposed to check if a given list is a list of strings. However, due to type erasure, the generic type T is not available at runtime, which means the JVM does not know the specific type of T when this code is executed. Therefore, the is check cannot be performed as intended because the type information of T is erased at runtime.

A workaround for this limitation is to use reified type parameters with inline functions in Kotlin. Reified type parameters allow you to access the type information at runtime by inlining the function and its type checks. Here’s how you could modify the example to use a reified type parameter:

In this revised example, the function isListOf uses a reified type parameter T, allowing it to access the type T at runtime. The function checks whether all elements in the list are instances of T. Since the function is inline, the type checks are performed at the call site, making the type information available at runtime.

This is made possible because inline functions insert their code directly into the call sites, allowing the generic type to be preserved and accessible.

The usefulness of reified type parameters extends beyond simple type checks. They can be particularly handy in scenarios involving reflection, type-safe casting, and working with APIs where type information is crucial.

For instance, consider a generic function that intends to parse a JSON string into a Kotlin object of a specified type. With reified type parameters, you can make this process seamless and type-safe:

inline fun <reified T> fromJson(jsonString: String): T {
val gson = Gson()
return gson.fromJson(jsonString, T::class.java)

fun main() {
val json = """{"name":"Kotlin","age":7}"""
val user: User = fromJson(json)
println(user.name) // Output: Kotlin

This approach not only simplifies the syntax but also maintains type safety, ensuring that the compiler can catch potential type mismatches.

Reified type parameters in inline functions allow developers to write more generic, reusable functions without sacrificing runtime type information. By incorporating reified types into your Kotlin toolkit, you unlock a new level of functionality and idiomatic syntax, further enhancing the clarity and efficiency of your code.

I hope you have enjoyed this tip of our series! Don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned for more Kotlin tips!

Stay curious!

Tip #31: Leverage Operator Overloading for Intuitive Code Design


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