Kotlin Tip #41: Make use of the first, last, and find methods for retrieving elements — 100 Kotlin Tips in 100 Days

Raphael De Lio
Kotlin with Raphael De Lio
2 min readMar 24, 2024

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Tip #40: Explore the distinct and distinctBy for removing duplicates from collections

Today, we will see how we can use the simple first, last, and find functions to access elements in collections with precision and ease.

The first and last methods are straightforward in their functionality. As their names suggest, first retrieves the first element of a collection, while last fetches the last element. These methods are particularly useful when you're working with lists or arrays and need a quick way to access endpoint elements.

Consider the following example:

In this snippet, firstNumber will hold the value 1, and lastNumber will contain 5. Simple, right?

While first and last are about accessing known positions, find introduces a bit more flexibility. It allows you to retrieve the first element that matches a given condition. If no such element is found, find returns null, making it a safe operation in scenarios where the presence of an element is uncertain.

Here’s how you might use find:

In this example, longWords will be "Kotlin" because it's the first word in the list that satisfies the condition of having more than three characters.

These methods become especially powerful in more complex data processing. For instance, when dealing with a collection of objects, you might want to find the first item that meets a specific criterion, such as an employee with a particular ID or a product exceeding a certain price threshold.

In this scenario, expensiveProduct will hold the Product object representing the "Laptop", as it's the first product in the inventory list with a price over 100.

By incorporating these methods into your Kotlin code, you can achieve more with less code, improve readability, and handle data collections more effectively.

I hope you have enjoyed this tip of our series! Don’t forget to subscribe and stay tuned for more Kotlin tips!

Stay curious!

Tip #42: Use fold and reducefor Aggregating Collection Values


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