Our local politics are toxic and driving good people out

Bob Schneider
Published in
8 min readOct 31, 2022


Kankakee County, IL County Board Chairman, Andy Wheeler

Many of my subscribers don’t know the guy in the photo. Everyone in my hometown knows who he is. For those who are not local readers, allow me to introduce you. His name is Andrew Wheeler, Kankakee County, Illinois Board Chairman. He is a reformer, largely alone in his efforts, and is the subject of one of the dirtiest campaigns I’ve seen in my decades in politics. Stick with me, because the content of this article is applicable to every community in America.

Before I get too far into the article, I must mention that Andy doesn’t like me much, and that is OK. I’m not part of Hatfield’s and McCoy’s school of political thought. So, with this article, I am not trying to help a buddy out, but rather thinking of the public good over personal feelings.

Kankakee has always had a taste for revenge, and when I first came to Washington, DC I brought that sentiment with me, it was the Kankakee way. I had a congressman roll me, and my client on my very first issue as a lobbyist. I wanted to go to war against this guy. My government relations mentor and the chairman of our company was a man named Ambassador Julius Katz. Google him, and you will see his distinguished career.

I told Jules I wanted to go to the mattresses, and instead, he sent me to the congressman’s fundraiser with a check from our PAC. Jules…



Bob Schneider

Ex Washington Public Affairs/PR Hack, for trade, foreign policy, int'l business operations, & defense. Blogger @ ChicagoNow Art collector and Philanthropist