What is the Kankakee County Board hiding?

Bob Schneider
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2020


After Kankakee County Board Chairman Andy Wheeler’s drubbing in the recent election, the County Board Chairman all but disappeared from social media. He’s surfaced only to share the closing of the County Building, and to post the County COVID-19 update to his official County page hours after its release.

With a pandemic and health crisis, he is uncharacteristically silent. That is not strange considering other mayors in the area, except for the Mayor of Kankakee abdicating any leadership during the crisis. However, it is peculiar for the current County Board Chair.

At first, many thought his disappearance was a period of wound-licking after County voters handed him a defeat in his failed attempt to enlarge Government, and raise taxes. A much more bitter disappointment is the overwhelming failure of his hand-picked candidate to try and unseat the County Auditor, Jake Lee.

Four years ago, Wheeler staged a palace coup in bringing all the cash, support, and volunteers to defeat then Board Chairman Mike Bossert, who was not a fan of Andy. While that effort brought in a mediocre Board Member, the unremarkable victor over Mike Bossert was a guaranteed vote supporting Wheeler that didn’t rock any boats. Andy seems to love having mannequins as Board Members.



Bob Schneider

Ex Washington Public Affairs/PR Hack, for trade, foreign policy, int'l business operations, & defense. Blogger @ ChicagoNow Art collector and Philanthropist