Brave New Money

Note : This article is a call for involvement for everyone who will read it. Its point is to raise awareness on how we have been passive sitting ducks regarding our economic issues until now. We have been watching their evolutions, critical decisions, technical changes, … without ever having a say as to where this is all going, yet suffering still from all the consequences. We do have a strong possibility however to do something about it now, and this is what this article is all about. You will find how to get involved at the end of this document.

Romain Chamot
kptive exchange


In these troubled times, an increasing number of economists, columnists and journalists are foretelling a global collapse of our current economy. Some of them actually write about a potential worldwide economic « reset ».

« With China and their upstart CIPS, which is the China Interbank Payment System, China appears to be on the verge of merging their interbank payment system with SWIFT. […] This, in my view, will embody very possibly a global reset in terms which currency is going to be the world’s reserve currency. »

Rob Kirby, macroeconomic researcher,

The fact whether it will happen or not is hardly even debated now, the question that seems to come up almost every time is « When ? ». Time frames vary between a mere few weeks to a few years for the most optimistic ones, which is anyway « tomorrow » on an economic time-scale.

People will say they always knew that « something was wrong », or that « the system had to collapse some day » which does not require a rocket scientist degree : the ever increasing amount of overinflated debt in all so called « modern » countries and economies could be laughable if it wasn’t so dramatic for the generations to come.

People will look at our past asking « What did we do wrong ? », some will say that it was a premeditated crime from a global Banker’s Kabbalah who always had in mind to make the most of the system for themselves until they crash the rest of the world to an evolutionary standstill where nothing will be possible for anyone. A globalized communist’s dream, where every taxpayer has to repent for the sins of past generations, keeping the well being of the world in mind before personal evolution and self-determination. These questions won’t matter anymore when we reach that point.

« What can we do ? » should be the question on every lips right now, for every project and any idea. Not some « conspiracy theory » debunk challenge. We should have more discussions and debates about this matter, stop being mere spectators of our own destructive fate and start doing something about it before it’s too late.

Because one thing is sure, if we don’t do it, some will do it for us. And they have been doing it for quite some time now. How naive should anyone be to actually think the people at the top of our current system, the ones that got away with every single crisis until now without a shadow of any criminal prosecution, are not thinking about it and planning the aftermath ? If you ask anybody on the street, they will tell you the economy is bad and the future gruesome at best, so of course that people at the top are aware of that, and be sure they won’t let go of their front-row seat without a fight.

“The great struggle of history has been for the control over money. It is almost tautological to affirm that to control the production and distribution of money is to control the wealth, resources, and people of the world.”

Jack Weatherford, anthropologist and author — The History of Money (Crown Publishers, 1997), p.246.

To better understand our current situation and provoke the debate on a potential solution, we need to look at the possible outcomes if nobody does anything. We will tackle three of these future possibilities here :

  • The implementation of a world currency,
  • The implementation of local currencies, also called « Community currencies »,
  • The implementation of both, at the same time.

Only then will we outline the critical points of the solution we want to build collectively, and see how we can move on together from there.

Rise of the Phoenix, the coming of a world currency

“There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF. The world inflation rate — and hence, within narrow margins, each national inflation rate — would be in its charge. Each country could use taxes and public spending to offset temporary falls in demand, but it would have to borrow rather than print money to finance its budget deficit. With no recourse to the inflation tax, governments and their creditors would be forced to judge their borrowing and lending plans more carefully than they do today. This means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case.”

Cover story, “Get Ready for the Phoenix,” The Economist, January 9, 1988.

The myth of the rising phoenix is not some kind of esoteric symbol here, it clearly stands for « a rebirth from the ashes of death » and always did in any popular culture. It simply shows what everyone at the top has always known, that the death of the economy would come eventually, and that they had to prepare a plan for resurrecting the society in a perfected form, more fierce and swift as ever, the phoenix.

The fact that these discussions have been going on for at least 20 years now should really start waking people up. The plan to implement a single global currency has been well published by now. It would get 1% of the people of the planet take less risks when moving lots of quantities of money and goods across the earth. It is certainly not a plan for a more « unified » world, more « fair », or whatever marketing slang they use.

People around the planet would lose the right to control their economy, which is what politics is all about sadly these days. All forms of governments would collapse, whether physically or simply by giving away all their decision powers, and invariably those of the people, to a corporate third-party.

It would follow-up quickly with a « world tax », collected by a « world bank » where all the top management could finally sit down together and take the issues of the world at hand. They would have the power to pressure this or that country as they please to balance their losses in another part of the world where « important investments » are being made. The people of this or that country would have to pay with their life, their work load, their unions, their healthcare and most of all their protection.

And it’s already happening today in few «crash test » countries around the world.

The morgues of Caracas and all the others in Venezuela are piling up everyday, to the point that the country’s president had to call for a state of emergency. They have suffered an inflation yearly rate of around 180% for the past year : that is prices multiplied by two.

Violence in the streets reaches its peak everyday, the government can’t pay anymore for the printing of new money, people carry huge amounts of bank notes in wheelbarrows.

The worse thing is nobody knows « what happens next » in this tragic case.

What would happen though in the context of a «global currency », is the funneling of money (which the country wouldn’t have to print anymore), a flood of investments for all strategic economies of the country (oil and such things) and the local public aristocracies on the payroll, all on the back of the whole world’s taxation system.

There will always be good souls willing to share their money and belongings with the poor, though they are about to go extinct. Unfortunately they are being victims of the marketing speech of this whole scenario, put up to make people believe that the situation is, somehow “natural”, that « they had it comin’ », that they don’t have so much skill or resources as we do (which has become such a big lie that some people are still believing it today) and that this mother « world bank » will come to the rescue of the poor for the betterment of mankind as a whole.

Remember the Greeks, too lazy to manage their own country…

But what happened to Venezuela ? A country rich with oil ressources, with an apparent democratic constitution, a historic civilization, a great place to even visit as a tourist ? In the past unfortunately.

The recent history only shows coups, the barrios, violence in the streets, an idol rising for it’s people, Chavez, who received death threats before he died. It can’t get more « natural » than that.

The war on Venezuela has always been waged for its ressources, Chavez denounced that and paid the price.

So is this an « important investment » or some kind of « humanitarian » mission you would actually want to participate in with your tax money ? Knowing what happened ? What would the money be used for then ? A war to overthrow the « dictators » and take the country ?

To get a better meaning into the probable process for the implementation of a world currency, we should get back to the phoenix symbology.

« In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Greek: φοῖνιξ phoinix; Latin: phoenix, phœnix, fenix) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again. »


The phoenix myth tells us that this « new life » should be obtained after a death through « flames and combustion », which is the most popular representation still to this day. A phoenix cannot rise from a natural birth, it rises through death. One can but wonder at the choice of such a grim myth to explain an economic concept.

But how will all nations of the world accept this new world money ? How will they shift their whole economic structure, risking a total implosion of their country’s wealth ?

Something has to happen to force that choice on any country. A crisis, a war, terrorism, basically anything that will destroy the country from inside and leave the people no choice other than to accept what will be presented as a perfect solution. A wind of change for the world and the promise, once more, that world peace is just a step further.

People of these countries will become martyrs, suffering for the greater good. They will be destroyed then praised to push further the necessity for all to accept this brave new money.

The question now is not whether the world will adopt a Single Global Currency but When? and How smooth, inexpensive, and planful OR rough, costly and chaotic will the journey be?“

Morrison Bonpasse, The Single Global Currency (Single Global Currency Association, 2006), p.229.

So, will the phoenix rise from destruction or decomposition ? Is it a cycle like in the popular myth ? Is there any hope to do anything about it still ?

A Charm for Hope, fascination for the local currency

This is it. The people of the world have found a way to thumb their nose at those evil bankers and traders with a promise of shining, green-oriented and sustainable tomorrows. They will make their own money, parallel to the main currency system, only for their fellow neighbors with no speculation with the outside world. After all, money is just a piece of paper, metal or plastic. Everybody can play at this worldwide game of « making » money, printing notes, carving coins on wood or whatever they feel like. Why not ?

“Banks do not create money for the public good. They are businesses owned by private shareholders. Their purpose is to make a profit.”

― John Rogers, Local Money: What Difference Does It Make?

A strong and bold statement from M. Rogers. He goes on to say :

“We can always create enough of our own local money to handle all the trades and exchanges we wish to make. While national currency basically drives, and is driven by profit, local money supports people with other values: people who believe in local diversity, mutual help, treating people as assets instead of problems, valuing all types of work, creating strong social networks and protecting the environment. It is these people, their values and commitment that make local money systems work.”

― John Rogers, Local Money: What Difference Does It Make?

And that is the game changing economic view. People from a local neighborhood can issue as much money as they want ! Why accept this scarcity-based money system that we all bow down to ?

This is the new Eldorado for the bottom of the power pyramid, all these people whose lives, rights, properties and freedoms have been and still are progressively getting sucked up. A Godly hand has brought down the new mana, and it is already praised by newspapers, bloggers and even movies. The french movie « Demain » starring the rich and beautiful yet philanthropic actress, Mélanie Laurent, describes what the perfect world will look like « tomorrow ». The plot of this movie/documentary is to show people they need « to take back the power » and that it is not so complicated. From turning your neighborhood into a giant orchard, to try and get elected as president (sic), the story also shows local communities printing their own money.

« Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story… this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. »

Demain le film,

This « feel-good » story seems almost too perfect and too easy to be true, could it be the case ? How does a « local currency » system actually works ?

First of all, it does not replace the actual money system in Euros, Dollars or Yens, which still runs parallel to the local currency. It is only a way to have a « complementary » means of exchanging value in a closed community. You need to have people willing to exchange your coins with each other, some will, some won’t, some will want to make their own coins (again, why not ?). So this local money system cannot ever replace an actual economic currency-based structure, it is simply a way to have people barter goods and services with each other in a limited group.

« Local currency is based on a local form of monetarism and mercantilism: it establishes an internal trade barrier, as the local currency cannot be used externally, and allows the area to have a different (presumably lower) interest rate than the national currency’s — in the Wörgl experiment, a negative interest rate, known as demurrage. Advocacy and criticism of local currencies is based partly on general attitudes towards monetarism and mercantilism, and partly on opinions of the desirability of having internal variations in currency and trade. Advocates of local currency in effect argue that, in certain circumstances, an entire country is not an optimum currency area, and that various regions should have different currencies. Compare with the Eurozone in Europe. »

The theory of Local Currencies, Wikipedia

But where do local currencies get their intrinsic money value from ? As a « complementary » system, each local coin as its reference in FIAT money. In Lyon, France for instance, you can buy the community money called « Gonette », each Gonette having a set value of 1 euro.

For local businesses, there is no taxes on prices (like VAT and such) though they are invited to declare they revenue on this 1 for 1 equivalent. The money is used then to finance new activities in the community who have to apply to get in. The decision to accept new business members who want to start their own business belongs to people selected as representatives for the community.

« Community » can mean town, a company, or any type of « like minded » group of individual. I will let the implications of that definition at the discretion of the reader (try it, what can you think of ? religious groups ? ethnic money ? Go ahead, and try to see what it would mean for anybody who doesn’t belong…).

It is anyway really important to stress the fact that local currencies can never replace an actual economical network based on a shared currency. People should not fall into the trap and look at this new trend as hope, because if the FIAT system is going to crash at some point, the outside value of any local money will follow the same path.

Furthermore, people rarely consider the dangers of any kind of « solution » presented to them with a positive tune. But what impact could have an economic reset on people using local currencies ?

Since local money is designed to have its equivalent in « mainstream » money, a system crash would make that golden rule disappear. The principal of 1 Gonette for 1 Euro just wouldn’t pay the bills anymore for anybody. Actual money from outside would not be pumped in the system anymore to finance new activities, create value for the community or for anything for that matter. The whole local currency system would come to a standstill point where no more coins or notes could be generated from an actual economic source, people would have to start printing money without any valued reference but their community ideals and values.

As a result, all local communities would close up on themselves. The bridges between communities insured by the FIAT currencies would not be there anymore. People would have no other choices than to stay where they are, they would not have the possibility of buying anything in the next town, state, and of course country.

Printing of new local money would not stop, as the needs of the community as well as the number of its members would not stop increasing. This could trigger an insidious inflation mechanism up to the point where outsiders would be rejected, the next logical step being an internal cleansing of dissidents, anyone who would not respect the « values » of the community would become an outcast, all to protect this fragile local money system.

Of course, local currencies are still far from these perspectives and are for now only meant for complementary means. The point is again the worldwide marketing behind all of it which should be a call for caution.

First of all, without having to cry wolf about everything, what are the chances today of actually pulling this off that easy ? Creating a free economic zone where people actually manage the value of their economy the way they want to ? And get the publicity and the praise for that ?

It is no secret anymore that people out there actually trying to bring about real change are not treated with the same respect and awe. That is when they don’t end up dead of course.

In itself, the local money system doesn’t hurt anyone and one can alway argue that it does help the local life, local producers and businesses. That is not quite the point here. The only thing important to keep in mind is that it is not a solution whatsoever in case of a coming economic reset, it does not represent hope. People should be careful with this siren’s call which could be a simple setup to prevent them from actually seeing the real issues and try to get organized inside and outside their communities to do something about it by themselves.

Do not fall for anything, especially if local money becomes a new standard imposed by your local powers (president, mayor or else), or that further « bridges » are created with the main system.

Which has, of course, already started…

Lost in Crypto-trance, the best of both worlds ?

« You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind. »

Morpheus, Matrix (1999)

We have just covered two outcomes for a global crisis presented everywhere as actual solutions to our economic problems. However, we have seen that :

  • the world currency, though it has been discussed for decades, has still no way of imposing itself everywhere as a global standard. Not in a clean way anyway.
  • the local currencies, though presenting clear benefits between people belonging to the same small community, do not solve the problem as long as they are not bound to a stable money (i.e. a reference value) to share with the outside world.

So it would seem that, one cannot go without the other. Both « solutions » have been presented to us so far, with no clear connection and especially without any hint of sound implementation.

Yet there is something we still haven’t looked into. And it is a complex issue.

Hard to grasp for most and seen as the new gospel by specialists, the Bitcoin appeared out of nowhere in 2008. Just as we were going through a harsh global economic crisis, which is still going on according to some, this paper came out :

The concept of this new tech is clearly appealing :

« A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. »

Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Could it really be what everyone had been waiting for ? An anti-third-party system allowing free exchange of value and based on a money having concrete, reliable production mechanism and rules ?

Satoshi Nakamoto is an alias and nobody knows still today who is behind this apparent revolution. Since 2008, a lot of followers of his work have speculated on what would become of him if he was one day discovered. Would he be arrested ? Sent to Guantanamo ? Would he commit suicide all of the sudden in a suspicious way ? After all, it seems that he threw quite a punch in the face of our money-making overlords…

Yet, as strange as it may seem, I would suggest that Satoshi would not be prosecuted at all. In fact, I would go as far as seeing him or her consultant for a banking conglomerate and making millions in whatever currency he or she chooses. Why ?

First of all, the Bitcoin technology is praised from all sides, even the ones that would seem to lose their tight grip on our economy :

“Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry”

Rick Falkvinge, Founder of the Swedish pirate party

“ I think the fact that within the bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] … is actually pretty cool. I am a big fan of Bitcoin”

Al Gore, 45th Vice President of the United States

“Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off”

Julian Assange, Founder of Wikileaks

“[Virtual Currencies] may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”

Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve

So what is going on ? Is everybody really happy with that ? Shall we call it a tie, shake hands and move on all together like in the end of a cheesy movie ? That easy ?

And nobody can say that they don’t understand what it’s about or that they’re missing the point : the biggest players in the banking industry are actually joining together to invest on this technology…

Have they suddenly change their ways or is there still a plan going on for the future of our economy ? Let’s consider it in the light of what we’ve seen in the previous parts.

First of all, Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies in general, already are world currencies. Since no third-party is involved, that technology can be used across countries and local regulations without a glitch. No need to force anything or anybody then to impose the new world currency, it’s already there.

Few problems remain though for the transformation to be complete. This « third-party » issue, a system free of any « financial institutions » as stated by Nakamoto, would appear to make it hard to control what’s going on, especially on a global scale. How would these institutions work around that to make sure they remain at the top ?

Actually, what cryptocurrencies are all about is protecting the transfer of value from any third-party. People or companies on each side of these transactions have to take care of their protection by themselves. When you create a Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency wallet, you get a « key » representing you on the network. This crypted key can or cannot be related to you by name. It can or cannot be centralized. For now the choice is for the user to make. And all transactions, though protected in the system, are public for all to see.

In the market of the Bitcoin wallets, you can already find some that are « controlled by a third party »…

The company behind this wallet is thus clearly stating that :

« This service has FULL CONTROL over your bitcoins. This means you need to trust this service will not freeze or mismanage your funds. Although this service claims to be providing insurance against failures on their side, you are still responsible for securing your wallet. »

What about regulations ? Are we free from that with Bitcoin, can anybody really do whatever he wants ? Again, yes and no.

Apart from most of people who will anyway just go to their usual bank to open their first wallet, the “rogue” user is not protected. If, for any reason, the internet were to be openly scrutinized by Intelligence agencies for instance (a wild idea), and that using certain types of wallets were prohibited (since they would be related to terrorist networks for instance), then you would need some serious skills to remain in the dark and you could not buy anything from « registered » businesses anyway. And of course, everybody will have to pay their taxes as usual…

So what would it take to actually make the Phoenix rise ? The system is in place almost everywhere in the world, wallets controlled by a third-party are already there, banks themselves are already playing the game, governments too… Except for a few « outsiders », « pirates » and « terrorists » who will need to be taken care of, there is not much standing in the way there.

Furthermore, the rules for the production of cryptocurrencies have been proven so reliable that the value of Bitcoin literally exploded compared to FIAT currencies. If you were among the ones paying attention from the beginning, you might just be extremely wealthy by now. If FIAT economy is to undergo a major reset, the value of Bitcoin will soar. Some experts are already foreseeing a minimum 10 000$ on 1 Bitcoin in a really near future.

This kind of gap will be so ridiculously wide that it would become embarrassing for any economist not to promote the implementation of Bitcoin in every layer of our economies. Politicians will be compelled to give into the crypto-trance and follow that lead. So if the system crashes, you can be sure you will live to see the Phoenix rise.

All is going well, except for one important part. They would still need that good marketing twist to buy the minds of people around the planet so they accept this new economic system without too much trouble. We are already being over-marketed about all these new payment solutions which are fully digital. Whether it is paying with your finger tip, the apple of your eye or with a RFID chip, everything is set already to appeal all kinds of “needs” from the consumers. Throw in a little “cool factor” of course, various endorsements from tech savvies and people will lose their minds over something that should just be considered wrong and creepy.

The idea of a “cashless society” has also been well pushed into press and is already known by most people now.

But what about local currencies ? We’ve seen in the previous parts that this “solution” pushed forward by every media you can find, does not even start to hold any water in the case of a major breakdown of our economy… Would Bitcoin be a good reference value to issue local currencies, filling the gap between community barter and global exchange ? This would certainly explain why we’re being fed this concept.

And since printing bank notes is not that an easy job and could easily be faked, it has already been suggested to adopt a Bitcoin reference and issue a Crypto-coin of the management of a local economy, with its rules and a set Bitcoin value.

“Bitcoin got started by thinking global, but may become mainstream by acting local.”

So everything seems in place to implement “the best of both worlds”, a genuine globalized yet controlled currency and local currencies which would easily be implemented and regulated by local political powers and such. All communities who wanted to rely on concrete local physical money, will accept this new bitcoin deal. And since they are already marketed for that, they will happily do it.

Once we reach that point, the political middle man between the people and banking powers will become useless (if not already). The international economic network will perform without them anyway since the top management would control the movements of the “Reference Value” and people would be left locally with their “Barter coins”. We could become trapped in our own community districts and only receive local money in our RFID chip. We would have to apply for a change in Bitcoin for any travel, sales or any communication with the outside which will or will not be granted by the bank managing the wallets.

Interestingly enough, this would also be a direct implementation of Agenda 21 and 30 which are all about population control and confining people in restricted zones (for the sake of the planet this time) :

In the end, the brave new world would finally be in place and there will be nothing anybody can do from there.

It’s time for a Change

“Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for very long. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958 !)

If we want to change anything in the way our economy works, if we want to regain control of our money and our lives, we need to start asking the right questions about what is wrong, and we have to do it right now.

We need to stop burrying our heads in the sand, waiting for some magical solution to come from above. Our economy concerns all of us, and everybody should have a direct say on how affairs get managed. If we think about it, the only reason why the economy has gone bad until now could be that people just completely lost interest along the way.

That is the first thing, if any, we have to change ASAP. We need more collaboration, especially on such serious matters. Competition clearly doesn’t work, we’re made to collaborate.

And that is what this project is all about.

We identified some critical points that need to be taken into account before actually discussing the project’s proposal for a new economic model :

  1. This new model calls for a major collaboration between people from all places and specializations. From economists, developers to marketing specialists, this discussion should also include entrepreneurs, scientists from all areas, and basically anyone who wants to get involved.
  2. We need a sound and universal definition of « value », which should be the core of this new economic model. This value should not be limited (as an ore ressource for instance). It should be able to grow in the same manner as the needs for new economical activities grow. We propose basing this value on work. The results of anyone’s work has a perceived value from actual and potential customers of these results. This will define the base value of the system.
  3. The creation of new money should thus be linked to the creation of new activities. Each new issue of currency should be supervised by the creator of the activity in question, whose sole responsibility will be to work and grow. The increasing value of the activity would be transfered to the value of this newly issued money and thus to the global system and economy.
  4. Our globalized world and relations show we need a globalized currency, which would guarantee a common language for larger economical relations. However, in order not to repeat the same mistakes and allow another form of centralization of power, the exchanges of value across communities or countries should have the possibility of running independently from the main currency. This would help protecting freedoms of work and commerce from the international money speculation habits. Exchanges of values would thus be possible in global currency OR in value of work and activity. The value of work or activity has to prevail on the value of the global currency.
  5. This new economical system should guarantee a strict separation of state and economical affairs. This is a central point to guarantee sustainable freedom for future generations (more than the separation of state and religion ever did).
  6. In order to stop the order of things currently occurring in our countries, we need to provide an immediate way out for all businesses and activities. We need to create a framework that can work on its own at the smallest scale. This would ensure a smooth transition from where we are now to where we all want to be.
  7. To do so, this new economical framework has to find a way to be implemented at a low level (small businesses and activities). This is the only way we would ensure a general public involvement. Democratization is the only way to fight centralization, it has always been and always will be.
  8. This economic framework should be able to grow on its own, redistributing value to create more value. This will be ensured by transitioning part of the value already created to activities being created on the base of direct democratic voluntarism.
  9. We want to develop this new framework on a Blockchain technology. We’re checking on Ethereum for now which seems to be the best candidate, but we’re open to any new suggestions.
  10. We will need to protect and work hard to create and spread this new framework, at all costs. There are only two reasons why it could fail : if we don’t do it at all or if we don’t go all the way.

Anyone who wants to get involved, please send us a mail at You will be invited to a dedicated community channel from there (slack).

You will then be a part of the team, we will go into deeper details about the solution as it stands for now and you will be able to take part in the different discussions about the mechanism, review all papers before publication, propose your ideas to the project community and take part in the implementation of the new model. If you just want to follow where all of this is going for now, or just show your interest by joining, that is OK too.

All future publications about this project will be retained in the community until we’re ready to start producing and implementing.

Please share this article as much as possible for time is running out. We can only hope it is not too late already and that we will still have the possibility to change our reality for us and the generations to come.



Romain Chamot
kptive exchange

#Entrepreneur, member of team @Kptive, consultant for #startups, provoking debates on #Society issues and what #Innovation should be all about.