Victor Oribamise
Kquika, Inc
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2023


Kquika’s Trakt System: An AI-Enabled Solution to the Aircraft Maintenance Labor Shortage


The aviation industry is facing a severe labor shortage, and it’s not just in the cockpit. While a shortage of pilots has been the subject of much discussion, behind the scenes, another crisis looms — a shortage of aircraft mechanics. The problem is expected to worsen over the next few years, with projections indicating that there will be a shortfall of 12,000 to 18,000 aircraft maintenance workers in North America alone by 2023. This imbalance between supply and demand threatens the aviation industry’s ability to grow profitably if it remains unaddressed. However, Kquika’s Trakt System, an AI-enabled application, provides maintenance and organization of logistics with a comprehensive set of diagnostic and prognostic tools to monitor overall aircraft health, enabling higher availability of aircraft fleet.

The Kquika’s Trakt System Solution

Kquika’s Trakt System is a powerful AI-enabled application that provides real-time monitoring and diagnostics for aircraft systems, subsystems, and components. By aggregating disparate data from onboard sensors, flights taken, maintenance records, and part inventory sources, among others, Kquika’s Trakt System creates a unified data image to ensure the integrity of this data, using data adjudication pipelines with pre-integrated natural language processing frameworks to cleanse and prepare data for predictive analytics. Kquika’s Trakt System then uses advanced AI algorithms to compute failure risks on critical asset components across different operating horizons. Using Kquika’s Trakt System, maintenance and supply, users can track the near real-time health of systems, subsystems, and components, improving supply chain efficiency by monitoring supply network risks and implementing AI-enabled inventory recommendations. They can accelerate decision-making through AI-driven troubleshooting and on-time fault isolation technical actions, optimize time-based scheduled maintenance with AI-enhanced survival analyses and component remaining useful life calculation methods, automate and accelerate manual data cleansing processes with AI-assisted analyst workflow tools, automate reporting and benchmarking of fleet reliability metrics.

Benefits of Kquika’s Trakt System

The operational benefits and economic value of Kquika’s Trakt System accrue through multiple levers, including:

  • By detecting and troubleshooting subsystems and components at high risk of failure early, aircraft readiness and mission capability were increased by at least 85%.
  • Reduced unnecessary maintenance and optimized scheduled maintenance periods increased component reliability by up to 80%.
  • Inventory and logistics costs can be reduced by up to 90% with spare-part forecasts that adapt as operational conditions change.
  • Boosted workforce efficiency by up to 90% by prioritizing optimal work scheduling based on aircraft failure risks.
  • Enhanced situational awareness by integrating previously siloed maintenance and supply databases.

Kquika’s Trakt System assists sustainment professionals by identifying high-risk components with adequate lead time, allowing teams to resolve impending failure risks through proactive maintenance or parts ordering. The application enhances front-line troubleshooting through interpretable machine learning evidence packages — a prioritized list of contributing factors. Kquika’s Trakt System also provides supply chain experts with highly accurate part consumption signals to reduce demand uncertainty and improve supply forecasts.


In conclusion, Kquika’s Trakt System fills the critical gap in the aircraft maintenance labor shortage. With its comprehensive set of diagnostic and prognostic tools, Kquika’s Trakt System provides maintenance and logistics organizations with real-time monitoring and diagnostics, ensuring the availability of their aircraft. The benefits of Kquika’s Trakt System are clear — increased fleet readiness, improved component reliability, reduced inventory and logistics costs, increased workforce efficiency, and enhanced situational awareness. As the aviation industry grapples with the growing labor shortage, Kquika’s Trakt System is the much-needed solution to ensure fleets remain safe, operational, and businesses remain profitable. With Kquika’s Trakt System, aviation industry players can confidently tackle the challenges posed by the labor shortage and maintain their commitment to safety, reliability, and profitability. So, when it comes to addressing the labor shortage in aircraft maintenance, Kquika’s Trakt System is the definitive answer. Together, with Kquika’s innovative technology, the aviation industry can overcome this challenge and continue to soar to new heights.

Victor is currently building Kquika, Inc with superstars!



Victor Oribamise
Kquika, Inc

I write and read but also building a Tech startup @KquikaInc