KR8OS Excited to Work with the IAB on Blockchain



Blockchain is the next wave set to crash into the advertising industry (if it hasn’t already). Just Google it. Guaranteed you’ll find countless articles from major advertising publications that all attempt to grapple with the blockchain revolution. While there’s some disagreement about exactly what kinds of problems blockchain can solve, everyone seems to agree on one thing:

This is gonna be huge.

Which is why we’re excited to participate in the rapidly-evolving conversation by working directly with the IAB and its new Blockchain Working Group.

For years, the IAB has worked to bring order to the ad industry chaos by developing new standards, facilitating conversations, and conducting research to ultimately solve problems. The ad industry moves fast, and blockchain is just the latest in a long line of disrupters. However, it has a chance to be the largest yet.

So it only made sense for KR8OS to work closely with the IAB on blockchain. We exist because there is a fundamental transparency problem in advertising. Advertisers don’t fully understand where their customers are coming from. Blockchain, by its very nature, is perfectly suited to solve this problem.

We encourage all advertisers, publishers, and technology providers using blockchain (or interested in what blockchain can do) to join with us and the IAB in our efforts to move the ad industry towards a more transparent future.



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A blockchain-powered advertising solution for verifying marketing events.