A journey into safer and cleaner code in Scala with real-life examples

April 25, 2019 (Thursday) @ Metaforma Cafe

Michał Pociecha
Krakow Scala
2 min readApr 7, 2019


Talk #1: “A journey into safer and cleaner code in Scala with real-life examples” by Paweł Kołodziejczyk


In this presentation I will try to show how safe and clean code can significantly reduce the risk of failures in our applications. I will discuss compile time vs runtime errors (mainly using examples that I or my teammates had to deal with) and demonstrate some tips & tricks that I find helpful.


Paweł is a computer science passionate interested in functional programming and distributed systems, using Scala since 2015. He always tries to leave things better than he founds them. Currently supporting creation of Cloud-Native applications and migration existing systems into cloud.



Talk #2: “A Server is Just a Function: An Introduction to http4s” by Jakub Kozłowski


If you’re going to write a modern web service, you have a wide range of frameworks and libraries to choose from. One of them is http4s, a functional library for writing HTTP services and clients in Scala. I’m going to show you why you should consider it for your next application, for reasons including but not limited to: type safe request/response models that are uniform between client and server; resource-safe servers, response/request bodies, and streaming; and framework-agnostic testing.


A young Scala hAkker who spends his days writing code, running and lifting in the late evenings. In his free time, if he has any, Jakub explores his other interests, which include coffee, playing bass and watching outstanding TV series.




VirtusLab is the founding sponsor of Kraków Scala User Group.



Michał Pociecha
Krakow Scala

Software Developer & Advisory Board Member @ VirtusLab