Metals 101 & A short journey through types in Scala

June 27, 2019 (Thursday) @ Re. Klub

Michał Pociecha
Krakow Scala
2 min readJun 6, 2019


Talk #1: “Metals 101 — not only for music enthusiasts” by Tomasz Godzik


Currently, most Scala developers use Intellij Idea as their main IDE, which is not used as much for most other programming languages. This can create additional barriers for people who want to learn Scala and for those that want to use something else. Metals is a Scala language server, which adds additional features to such varied and battle tested editors like Vim, Emacs, VS Code, Atom and Sublime Text. In this talk I will describe what Metals exactly is and why I think it can be useful for a lot of Scala developers.


Tomasz is one of the main Metals maintainers and works in close cooperation with Scala Center to improve Metals so that it can become a valuable tool for the Scala community. Mainly a Scala developer with a tooling background, he sharpened his skills trying to improve tooling for one of the largest Scala codebases in the world.

Talk #2: “A short journey through types in Scala (+ some tidbits about Dotty)” by Hubert Słojewski


At the begining, a small recap of the Scala Type System. Then, I am going to show examples in the REPL and discuss various types: intersection, union, singleton, literal, existential, path-dependent and projection. Some ot them are going to change in Scala 3 — that’s a part of the presentation too. You will also have a chance to get familiar with type and context bounds, variance, kinds and a couple more things… See you there!


An enthusiast of functional programming who despises nulls and throws, and on the other hand respects reactive systems and the actor model.


VirtusLab is the founding sponsor of Kraków Scala User Group.



Michał Pociecha
Krakow Scala

Software Developer & Advisory Board Member @ VirtusLab