Reactive System with Lagom & Reactive Streams with Monix

November 22, 2018 (Thursday) @ Forklog — Crypto Cowork In Krakow

Pawel Dolega
Krakow Scala
4 min readNov 27, 2018


Talk #1: “Short Trip into Reactive System space with Lagom” by Krzysztof Borowski


I want to invite you on a short trip around a few popular recently spots. We will visit the rapidly developing space of Reactive Systems and mighty Domain Driven Design region assisted by our new friend Lagom. Alongside visiting some interesting places like Reactive Programming marketplace, CQRS and Event Sourcing library, Lightbend factory, our friend Lagom will perform for us showing some nice skills. Sounds interesting?


Krzysiek is a Scala programmer @ Virtuslab. Believes that simplicity is the key to modern software development. Passionate about all technologies and ideas that make programmer life brighter and more interesting. Born with a love of mountains, singing, and exciting new experiences.

Talk #2: “Practical Reactive Streams with Monix” by Jacek Kunicki


Stream processing is a hot topic today and it’s easy to get lost among all the possibilities. In this live coding session, we will explore the Reactive Streams approach used by the Monix project — one of the Scala implementations of the Reactive Streams concepts.


I’m a passionate software engineer living in the JVM land — mainly, but not limited to. I also tend to play with electronics and hardware. When sharing my knowledge, I always keep in mind that a working example is worth a thousand words.



VirtusLab is the founding sponsor of Kraków Scala User Group.

SoftwareMill is the co-sponsor of this event.



Pawel Dolega
Krakow Scala

Entrepreneur / Engineer. CTO @ VirtusLab. Exploring joys & sorrows of technologies. Comprehensivist.