Monthly Recap: Krause House’s Proposal Highlights

Krause House DAO
Published in
10 min readMay 30, 2023

Welcome to Krause House — an extraordinary community and a digital native movement driven by a daring aspiration: to become the proud owners of an NBA team.

At the core of Krause House’s operations is Snapshot, a powerful tool that enables transparent decision-making processes. Here, financial and strategic choices are made openly, ensuring consensus among members.

Additionally, you can explore the KH treasury, a testament to the commitment to democracy and transparency — two fundamental principles of DAOs.

This article serves as your gateway to the exciting proposals that have emerged over the past month, keeping you informed about the latest developments within Krause House.

Let’s delve into this thrilling review and uncover the future of our collective journey!

KH May Proposals

Bayesian Baller Contributor Stream Renewal

This proposal is for the renewal of the contributor stream for Bayesian Baller at Krause House.

Bayesian Baller has been an active member of the community for over a year, contributing in various roles such as media, podcasting, and analytics. They lead basketball analytics and data science initiatives, collaborate with organizations like BIG3 and Overtime Elite, and host the podcast “Around The Association.”

Bayesian Baller has exciting projects planned for Summer ’23, aiming to provide exclusive benefits for NFT holders and enhance community experiences while generating revenue for the DAO. The funding request includes $KRAUSE and $USDT paid monthly for four months.

Bayesian Baller’s deliverables for Summer ’23 include collaborations with BIG3 and Overtime Elite, content creation for social media, podcast episodes, and exploring the possibility of launching a Krause House-branded basketball league or pop-up pickup runs.

DAO Partnerships Strategist + Project Stream Advisor

This proposal is for the position of DAO Partnerships Strategist and Projects Stream Advisor at Krause House.

The author, Shanny, has previous experience working with the DAO on the NFT.NYC experiences team and as a steward and partnerships/sponsorships lead for All In For Sport.

Shanny’s role would involve attending weekly strategy meetings, working with project teams to develop their ideas and connect them with potential partners, assisting with actionable next steps for project streams, seeking collaboration opportunities, and attending meetings with the Core team on partnership leads.

The requested budget is 5000 $KRAUSE per month for an estimated 10 hours per week, for a duration of 6 months starting from June 1, 2023. The funds would primarily be used to compensate Shanny for their time spent on strategy, partnerships, and sponsorships, including attending meetings, organizing calls, cultivating opportunities, and maintaining the Krause House LinkedIn presence.

LOI Transparency Committee (”Full Kimono Krew”)

This proposal is for the creation of the LOI (Letter of Intent) Transparency Committee, also known as the “Full Kimono Krew,” at Krause House.

The authors, Flex and Commodore, have outlined the process for establishing this committee. They have created a list of nominees, and each nominee will be asked if they are comfortable with doxxing (revealing personal information), willing to be on the committee, and willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The community will then vote on the candidates, and the top three vote-getters will be added to the committee, assuming they execute the doxx’d NDA. If a winner is unable to execute the NDA, the next highest vote-getter will be asked. Flex and Commodore will not vote in this election.

The purpose of the LOI Transparency Committee is to improve transparency in the LOI work at Krause House. The committee will consist of five tokenholders, including Lewwwk and Mario, who will be updated twice per month on details related to the NBA teams, owners/executives/representatives engaged with, and high-level summaries of each material interaction. Each committee member will need to execute a doxx’d NDA with Krause House Capital, which is a US-based entity.

The committee will be established, and the first disclosure of status will occur within 45 days upon passing of this proposal. The members will be nominated by Flex or Commodore, and the tokenholders will vote to determine the desired members.

If the committee is not established and the first disclosure does not occur within 45 days, the workstream will be canceled immediately. If an elected member refuses to execute their NDA within 7 days, they will be removed from the committee.

Krause Court + Webflow Expenses

The author, DBAG, is requesting USDT reimbursement for expenses incurred in managing Krause Court and the Krause House website since July 2022. The expenses include hosting costs, shipping container expenses, and potential shipping costs for Krause Court tiles.

The author has been using personal funds and contributor compensation to cover these expenses but can no longer sustain the financial burden.

Two options for reimbursement are presented:

  1. Option 1: Reimbursement Only — upfront $9267.47 + $258 USDT monthly.
  2. Option 2: Reimbursement + Shipping Costs for Tiles — upfront $11269.16 + $258 USDT monthly.

The reimbursement is important to fulfill remaining orders for Krause Court NFT purchasers, cover shipping expenses for NFT giveaways, and provide time to decide what to do with the remaining court tiles.

If the reimbursement is not approved, the author will need to dispose of Krause Court, donate it, or transfer ownership to someone else within the community.

To ensure proper execution, the author will submit receipts of the storage unit to the Stewards Team and provide shipment tracking numbers for any delivered tiles.

If someone misuses the budget, it is the responsibility of the voters to ensure the recipient can be trusted. The Stewards hold the right to end the monthly reimbursement at their discretion.

Update Stewards Team Roster

The authors, Eli and Peter, propose adding Peter to the Stewards Team as a replacement. The current Stewards Team consists of Commodore, Eli, Lewwwk, Mario, Shanny, Glad Robot, Flex Chapman, and Magnus. The proposed new team would include Commodore, Peter, Lewwwk, Mario, Shanny, Glad Robot, Flex Chapman, and Magnus.

The nomination is based on Peter’s active contribution to the DAO, both unpaid and paid. He has recently taken on an important product role, and the authors believe it is an opportune time to involve him as a leader in the DAO.

QUAI 54 / 2024 KH Team Submission

The proposal aims to submit a team to compete at the Quai54 2024 streetball event in Paris, France, on behalf of Krause House in partnership with Princeton and In The Lab.

Quai54 is the world’s biggest streetball event sponsored by Brand Jordan. The proposal outlines the team composition, training camps, selection process, media coverage, and financial requirements.

The team will be composed of members from In The Lab and Princeton, with the community involved in selecting two players. Training camps will be held in the USA to choose the players, and Krause House will host tryouts in select cities. The community will have a voice in the selection process, and media coverage will be provided through various channels, including In The Lab’s YouTube channel.

Financially, a deposit fee of 12,000€ (or USDC equivalent) is required, along with additional funds for player accommodations and flights. The proposal highlights the need to secure sponsorships to cover these costs. If the sponsorship goal is not met by March 1, 2024, 60% of the initial deposit will be refunded to Krause House.

Giovanese, a KH community member with experience in sports brands, is requesting an upfront payment of $5,000 USDC for managing the proposal and supporting fundraising efforts. The proposal includes a roadmap outlining the fundraising campaign, tryouts, and streamed exhibition games leading up to the tournament.

The authors believe that participating in Quai54 will provide exposure, showcase decentralized governance in sports, and communicate the principles of the DAO. They emphasize the proximity of the tournament to the Olympics and the increasing investment by Jordan Brand.

2023 Big3 Ball Hogs Budget

The proposal outlines the budget and plans for the Ball Hogs, a team owned by Krause House. The focus is on scaling up operations for “The Pig Pen,” the fan section, and partnering with AIFS for court refurbishments and 3x3 fan activations in Big3 tour cities.

The goal is to demonstrate the benefits of fractionalized ownership and decentralized communities to NBA front offices.

The requested budget is 60,000 USDT, which will be allocated as follows:

  • $15,000 for travel expenses, including flights, hotels, vehicle rental, and gas.
  • $8,000 for tailgate activation supplies, such as a new basketball hoop, beverages, and entertainment.
  • $5,000 for hiring four assistants to help with operations in each tour city.
  • $5,000 for Pig Pen in-game supplies, including buckets, drumsticks, banners, and t-shirts.
  • $10,000 for non-profit and AAU event supplies, with a focus on the Big3 jamboree in NYC.
  • $12,000 for the Krause House Jerry bounty, which includes various community initiatives, social media videos, analytics, and planning.

Funds will be managed through a multi-sig wallet, requiring 3 out of 5 signatures from designated team members.

The project aims to demonstrate the value of fractional ownership by efficiently distributing tickets, organizing fan activations, and generating decentralized content creation.

The team outline includes Uncle Jon as the project manager, D-Luxe as the non-profit partnership coordinator, Mario as the ITL partnership liaison and content creation manager, Shanny as the court refurb consultant, and Crabtree as the content capture and creation lead.

The proposal also provides a link to a public-facing Notion database for transparency and collaboration.

The expected outcomes include high ticket claim rates, engaging fan activations, and growing social media following, while showcasing the benefits of decentralized ownership and community participation.

Commodore & Flex Stream Renewal

Commodore and Flex Chapman are requesting a renewal of their full-time charter as they have made significant progress in securing a Letter of Intent (LOI) with an NBA team.

They are currently engaged in deep conversations with an ownership group and are optimistic about closing a deal. The primary goals of the proposal include executing an LOI, pitching to more NBA owners, diversifying the treasury, capitalizing on partnership opportunities, and operating core functions of the DAO.

The proposal outlines a monthly budget of $33,334 USDC for eight months, starting from May 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2023. The budget covers the salaries of Commodore and Flex Chapman. The proposal also mentions the requirement to retain 100% of their airdropped allocation of $KRAUSE balances for two years or until they are no longer compensated as full-time contributors.

The LOI progress section highlights their ongoing discussions with an NBA team and their previous close engagement with the bidding group for the Phoenix Suns sale. They emphasize that securing a minority position in an NBA team is crucial for their mission and will open up opportunities for partnership, community engagement, and fundraising for KH Capital, a PE fund.

Regarding the DAO treasury, they suggest continuing on the current course, with a focus on delivering the LOI. They aim for a monthly burn of approximately $75,000 stablecoin to build credibility.

To improve transparency for the LOI work, they propose the establishment of a “LOI Transparency Committee” consisting of tokenholders who will be regularly updated on the details of their engagements with NBA teams and owners. The committee members will be required to sign a doxx’d NDA with Krause House Capital.

Overall, the proposal seeks support for the renewal of Commodore and Flex Chapman’s full-time charter, emphasizing their progress in securing an LOI, their networking efforts, and the potential for partnerships and treasury diversification.


  1. Bayesian Baller Contributor Stream Renewal:
  • Budget: 3k $KRAUSE + 3k $USDT Monthly payments
  • Author: Bayesian Baller.
  • Mission: Renewing the contributor stream for Bayesian Baller at Krause House, aiming to provide exclusive benefits for NFT holders, enhance community experiences, and generate revenue for the DAO.
  1. LOI Transparency Committee (“Full Kimono Krew”):
  • Budget: Not specified.
  • Authors: Flex and Commodore.
  • Mission: Establishing the LOI Transparency Committee to improve transparency in the LOI work at Krause House, providing regular updates to committee members on engagements with NBA teams and owners.
  1. Krause Court + Webflow Expenses:
  • Budget: Option 1: upfront $9,267.47 + $258 USDT monthly, or Option 2: upfront $11,269.16 + $258 USDT monthly.
  • Author: dbag#3251.
  • Mission: Reimbursing expenses incurred in managing Krause Court and the Krause House website, including hosting costs, shipping container expenses, and potential shipping costs for Krause Court tiles.
  1. DAO Partnerships Strategist + Project Stream Advisor:
  • Budget: 5,000 $KRAUSE per month for six months.
  • Author: Shanny.
  • Mission: Serving as the DAO Partnerships Strategist and Projects Stream Advisor, attending strategy meetings, connecting project teams with potential partners, and working on partnerships and sponsorships for Krause House.
  1. Update Stewards Team Roster:
  • Budget: Not specified.
  • Authors: Eli and Peter.
  • Mission: Adding Peter to the Stewards Team as a replacement, based on his active contribution to the DAO and recent involvement in an important product role.
  1. QUAI 54 / 2024 KH Team Submission:
  • Budget: 12,000€ deposit fee + 5000 $USDT Giovanese Contribution.
  • Authors: Giovanese, Mario Lopes, Nav, and Kappazah.
  • Mission: Submitting a team to compete at the Quai54 2024 streetball event in Paris, showcasing decentralized governance in sports and the principles of the DAO.
  1. 2023 Big3 Ball Hogs Budget:
  • Budget: $60,000 USDT.
  • Author: Not specified.
  • Mission: Scaling up operations for the Big3 Ball Hogs team, partnering with AIFS for court refurbishments and 3x3 fan activations, and demonstrating the benefits of fractionalized ownership and decentralized communities.
  1. Commodore & Flex Stream Renewal:
  • Budget: $33,334 USDC per month for eight months.
  • Authors: Commodore and Flex Chapman.
  • Mission: Securing a Letter of Intent (LOI) with an NBA team, diversifying the treasury, capitalizing on partnership opportunities, and operating core functions of the DAO.


Krause House is a thriving digital native movement with a bold ambition to own an NBA team. With the power of Snapshot, the community ensures transparent decision-making and actively contributes to the future of the DAO.

The proposals presented in this article demonstrate the hard work and dedication of Krause House members in various areas such as partnerships, transparency, community engagement, and sports events.

This year, the Ball Hogs are poised for success with a significant budget allocation. Despite any skepticism from doubters, it’s undeniable that this is the year of the Hogs! 🐗

At Krause House, we embrace the Antetokounmpo mentality, embodying determination and resilience.

As Krause House continues to grow and evolve, it exemplifies the potential of DAOs to shape the future of decentralized ownership and governance in sports and beyond.

About Krause House 🏀

Krause House is a DAO governed by a community of fans, basketball lovers, and purists. Together, they will write the consensus rules that will bring the first fan-governed team to the NBA.

Website / Twitter / Youtube / Discord



Krause House DAO

Web3 educator / DAO contributor. Follow me on Twitter @kafcrypto ✨