BugFeedr: Collect Product Feedback from your Clients & Users

Micah Iverson
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2018

Developers, does this sound familiar to you…

You have spent weeks building out a new website for your client and the day has come to finally send your client the development link to site! As usual, you ask them to review it and send you their feedback and any bugs they find (which seems to always be a lot!).

A day later you start receiving emails from your client, it’s a couple here and a couple there and then all of a sudden you end up with 20+ emails in your inbox, each one with the same subject line and a one or two sentence complaint about some sort of issue.

Guess what, now you get to spend the next day or two organizing all these requests from your client, determine if it’s a bug, a new feature request, whether it’s in or out of scope and then you still have to manually add them to your internal bug management tool. Then you get to repeat the process again and again and again! Not fun for you or your client.

Are you building a SAAS website? Do you experience the same type of situation from your users? What process do you have in place to capture bug and feature requests from your users, a generic contact form? Ugh!

I’m happy to tell you, there is an easier way and it’s called BugFeedr!

BugFeedr has been redesigned from the ground up and now has 3rd party integrations into Slack, Trello, Jira, Asana and Visual Studio Team Services.

BugFeedr is simple feedback collection tool to supplement your existing internal tools by making it easier for your clients, users and customers to provide feedback to you in a structured format. Quickly push requests into to your internal developer tools with our 3rd party integrations into Slack, Trello, Jira, Asana and Visual Studio Team Services.

Here is how it works for you, the developer…

  1. First you create an account on BugFeedr
  2. Then add a new Client (This could be your external client, or it could be yourself if it’s your own project).
  3. Next, create a Project under that Client. This is when your feedback form is generated.
  4. Copy the link to the Feedback Form and send to your client or Embed the form directly on your website or in your native application for easy access.

Sit back and wait for feedback to come in, review tickets and push to your internal tools, it’s that easy!

Feedback Form your Clients and Users see

How it works for your Clients and Users…

  1. Your Client receives the link from you, you tell them to use that instead of sending you emails. Optionally, you could embed the form inside of your app with a simple “Feedback Link” within the site itself that takes the user to the feedback form.
  2. Your Client or User finds a bug, they jump over to the form, enter in some quick information including step-by-step instructions on how to repeat the issue and other basic information.
  3. Your Client or User can attach screenshots so you know exactly what page they are on and how it looks to them.
  4. They click Submit and repeat as many times as needed. Easy!

5. One of the best parts is that your Clients and Users never have to create an account.

Wrapping up

As mentioned above, BugFeedr isn’t intended to replace any of your existing tools — rather it’s there to supplement them and make it easier for you to get quick, structured feedback from your users.

It’s always difficult adding a new tool to your pipeline, to make it a bit easier we offer a simple Free Account with one Client, Project and Unlimited Tickets to get you started. When you are ready to expand, we have a simple and affordable upgrade path to an unlimited account.

Get started with your free trial today!



Micah Iverson

Freelance Designer for the Web and Windows 10, Husband and Father. #IndieHacker