Day 3: Fluent Email Signature Modal

Micah Iverson
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2018

Today is day three of my 30 Fluent Designs in 30 Days Challenge, I had a limited amount of time to work on a design so I chose something simple: the new Email Signature Modal.

Windows 10 Email Signature with Fluent Design

Earlier today Jen Gentleman (@JenMsft) tweeted out this new Email Signature Design, I felt it could be a bit better…

New Email Signature Modal in Default Mail App

There isn’t necessarily a lot wrong with this design, other than some odd padding on dropdowns and lack of anything Fluent.

Here is close-up my refined version…

Refined Modal with Fluent Design

I kept the general structure the same, but added a more defined header, tightened up the height of the modal, added some shadows and Acrylic.

Lastly, I expanded the width of the Rich text area to allow for more room to edit the value without adding extra width to the main panel. This helps with the width of the font dropdown as well, now we can read the entire label.

Wrapping Up

Like I said, I didn’t have a lot of time today so this is just a quick refinement of one feature within the default mail app.

Source Adobe XD File: Download (.zip)

Thanks again for following along, leave your feedback and suggestions.




Micah Iverson

Freelance Designer for the Web and Windows 10, Husband and Father. #IndieHacker