20 Books To Read Before You Hit 30

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11 min readNov 29, 2017

Yes, we know that everyone of you might not have the time to read. I mean, the most you might actually be reading is your UPSC, or your GMAT course materials. It’s just that you’re missing out on some really good reading for the soul. And when you’re way past 30, you might look back and wish you had read that book, especially when it came up as part of a conversation at a board meeting where you were hoping to impress. Just saying.

Lo and behold! Here’s a list of 20 books every man should read before he turns 30!

1. How To Lose Friends & Alienate People by Toby Young

© Da Capo Press

The story is the author’s — a journalist — narrative of the glamour of socializing in a fast-moving city; in this case, New York, and how he, as a person is falling short of making his presence felt in the circuits. If you’re one of those socially awkward guys who always say the wrong thing at the wrong time and does not know the art of being politically, or socially, correct, you will relate to this one.

It’s a great read for someone who just moved to a big metropolitan city and needs a guide on how not to get ‘Foot-in-the-Mouth’ disease!

2. My Uncle Oswald by Roald Dahl

© Penguin Random House

To be honest, anything by Roald Dahl should be on your ‘Must-Read’ list. But, why this particular book? This is one of Mr Dahl’s adult works that take you into a world of sexual exploration. The plot revolves around how a man named Oswald is trying to obtain the world’s most powerful aphrodisiac, with the -help of a female partner-in-crime. Together, they steal the sperm of some of the world’s most brilliant men — Einstein, Freud and Picasso.

Enough said; you already want to read this stuff.

3. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

© Simon & Schuster

It’s a modern-day classic for a reason and, well, if you’re one of those who always wanted to know what the hell is a Catch-22 situation, anyway, needs to read this book so badly, we cannot even begin to stress! The book revolves around Yossarian, a hero and bombardier who is trying his ass off to do all that he can to save his own skin from becoming a victim of war. However, the more he tries to escape, the more he gets assigned missions by Colonel Cathcart to complete his terms of service.

It’s a vicious circle, but a strangely humorous situation! You will relate.

4. 1984 by George Orwell

© Penguin Random House

Orwell’s vision back in 1949 about the world we were becoming could not have been more appropriate and that is what makes this such an astonishing read. Back then, it was all imagination. Today, even though we are way past the year 1984, the predictions based on Orwell’s imaginings grip you, convince you and haunt you from the beginning, right down to the last words of the book.

It is a must read for its gripping narrative and style. And if you want to be socially accepted by the girl in the book club, read this! It will make you a lot smarter.

5. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis

© Simon & Schuster

I’ll begin by saying this: For a man who claims to be intelligent — or somewhere in that zone — to not have read anything at all by Bret Easton Ellis, is blasphemy! You heard us. Here’s why you should read this book. The plot revolves around a bunch of self-obsessed rich Hollywooders who spend their time getting drunk, doing drugs and having sex in the back of their cars — Porsches, to be clear.

It is what you always wanted your dream life to be like. But since you can’t always get what you want, you got to live out your fantasies through other ways. Hence, the book. Comprendé?

6. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

© Delacorte

This is one of the acclaimed author’s most popular and revered books. If you’re the kind of guy who gets a high out of reading war stories, this is the book for you. The plot revolves around the Allies’ bombing of Dresden, with a twist in the plot that has to do with an interesting time-shift concept.

It won’t just leave you intrigued but could quite obviously leave your head spinning, but in a good way.

7. Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie

© Viking pRess

I’ll be straightforward. You tell someone not to do something and they want to do just that. Our Indian government banned us from reading ‘Satanic Verses’ in India and now everyone wants to read it. You always want the forbidden fruit. But, while all forbidden fruits aren’t fruitful, I assure you this one will be; for the simple reason that it is a classic piece of modern literature.

No, you will not find it in a bookstore. And if you have friends abroad, you must not ask them to send you a copy from there. And you must definitely not try to obtain an e-version of this either. You simply must not.

8. The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde

© Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine

One of the darkest, yet fantastic plots in classic English literature — the book revolves around a young man named Dorian Gray and how he comes to be obsessed with a portrait of his to the extent that he makes a forbidden deal that would grant him eternal youth and all the hedonistic pleasures that accompany it; until the tables start to turn on Dorian.

The narrative is witty and keeps you glued to the pages. You might also connect with the pleasures that you so often find yourself wanting to indulge in.

9. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

© Bobbs Merrill

One of the most inspirational books that you could ever do yourself a kind favour and read, ‘The Fountainhead’ follows the story of an architect who refuses to succumb to what others want him to create. He believes in his designs, in his own vision and that newer interpretations are more important than mere traditional ones.

It is a book that gives you an important lesson in standing up for what you believe in and not just running in the rat race.

10. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

© Vintage Books

Again, I’ll keep it simple. If you live in the modern world and haven’t read Haruki Murakami, you are committing social, no, intellectual suicide. The book that derives its name from a popular Beatle song follows protagonist Noru on his quest to change the status quo while falling in love with beautiful Naoko, who is also damaged — the plot for the perfect love story, no?

The book teaches you more than one lesson — to question set dogmas, pose challenges and to learn the difference between love and emotional dependency.

11. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

© Riverhead

Oscar Wao is a fat and nerdy kid who loves comic and science fiction. He is a second-generation Dominican, living in New Jersey. Unlike most Latino boys, Oscar cannot seem to grasp what the big deal is about bravado and being, well, macho — something that is synonymous to the Latino boys. Oscar Wao is the outsider in the group, who is always misunderstood.

I can already see you smiling crookedly because you’ve been there. Great. Now go and read on until you and Oscar Wao are one body, one mind.

12. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

© Charles Scribner’s Sons

I mean how can you not? Really! You just became the social outcast among the social outcasts! Oh well, never mind. Basically, you need to read this book. And no, watching the movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby simply won’t do. So, to those of you who are noobs here, ‘The Great Gatsby’ tells the story of a man who decides to become one of the richest and most powerful man in 1920s America, just so he can win back his first love.

Secretly, aren’t all men pursuing this kind of love and are willing to go to quite some lengths to win the love back? No, that does not mean you’re even a little like Leo.

13. On The Road by Jack Kerouac

© Penguin Random House

If you have read this book or are planning to read this, the guys automatically have newfound respect for you and the girls, well, they’re looking at you with interest now. Why, you ask?

You know how you always wanted to be young, wild and free? That’s what this book is about, broadly. The plot revolves around a hedonistic road trip around America back in the 50s with nothing more than a beat-up car and a backpack for company. Why it’s such an enthralling read is because it brings out the free soul in you who always just wanted to backpack on the road to wherever the hell it led you — not be bound to people or places; and yet, enjoy all the pleasures of being a wanderlust.

14. Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger

© Little, Brown and Company

This book is like a mirror into your soul, to put it plainly. In fact, it is such a relatable piece of literature that it has become the epitome of a time when a book connected with a reader’s soul to an extent when they were one and the same entity. Attaboy, Mr Salinger! If you were ever a teenage boy and chances are, you were, about 200 percent, you will want to sleep holding this book in your arms tonight. To hell with Bae!

It’s about a teenage boy in a world full of ‘phonies’, dealing with mental health issues, coming of age and wondering what all the fuss was about, to begin with… Told you, it was your soul mate.

15. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

© Cornerstone

One simply does not go through their life without reading this book. That’s the level of stress I would put on you reading this book. While the story itself is meant to be a simply told love story, it reveals human behaviour under different times and exposes you to the cruelty and kindness, innocence and experience that builds and breaks one’s character.

Rest assured, you will be quoting Atticus Finch for the rest of your life. This is one of those unforgettable novels that you’re supposed to hand down to your kids, if you ever have those!

16. The Shining by Stephen King

© Doubleday

Forget horror movies; this book will make you want to leave the light on while you try to sleep tonight. It was made into a gripping feature film that had people scared out of their wits for ages to come. The story follows 5-year-old Danny who has a rare gift where he can read people’s thoughts and has visions of the near future. Together, with his parents, he moves into the infamous Overlook Hotel and notices that there is something rather sinister about the hotel itself and it is coming down on his family.

You’ll be biting your nails and jumping at every sound around you; also, you’ll never want to be alone again.

17. Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov

© Olympia Press

“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.” That’s how the book begins. I would love to leave the rest to your imagination. I’m guessing it’s already running amuck. Good. Now, the plot. Lolita is a story about a man, Humbert Humbert who is a scholar, aesthete and romantic — but, you can call him a pedophile — who falls in love with Lolita Haze, the 12-year-old daughter of his landlady. The plot follows his obsession with the little girl to the extent of which he marries his landlady just so he can get close to Lolita.

And you thought your love life was complicated, eh?

18. The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

© Pocket Books

This book will give you all kinds of feels; except the mushy kinds. The book is the story of Charlie — a freshman, who is shy, introspective and intelligent beyond his ears. The plot follows his tryst with school, people, friends, dates, drugs, sex and repressed memories that are a key element to his state of mind. The story unfolds beautifully and you are exposed to revelations that are refreshingly honest, innocent and profound as to your own life.

It is a must read for every guy who has ever loved, lived and tried to just be. Plus, you will love the musical inspiration the book gives you.

19. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

© Riverhead Books

A story about a friendship that challenged caste, class and societal norms, the book revolves around two childhood friends — Amir and Hassan — and how their friendship shapes over time and in a place that is falling into ruins. It is the story of how a boy becomes a man and how some memories and relationships are immortal. This book will change the way you have been viewing certain ideologies and situations — friendships, youth, stories and perceptions. In fact, it could even change your outlook to life. So, yes, do yourself a favour and read it and let it broaden your horizon and your mindset.

20. Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

© Scribe Publications

This one has become a cult read and is a looking glass into Mumbai’s underbelly, the slum, and offers a glimpse into what the real side of Bombay is all about — sans the glamour, the stars and the glitz. The plot follows the story of Lin, an Australian escaped convict who flees to India and lands up in Mumbai. The book is his tryst with the people, the mafia, beggars, gangsters, prostitutes, religious men, soldiers, actors, Indians, exiles from other countries, whose paths cross the protagonist’s from time-to-time and how they shape his life in the city.

It’s one of the most incredible reads if a) you’re a Mumbaikar, or b) you want to know what Mumbai, the mafia and the underbelly is really all about.

Photo: © Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images (Main Image)

Source: http://www.mensxp.com

