6 things we learn at college

Karthikeyan Krishnaswamy
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2017

“College days fill maximum colours in life’s journey in form of lessons”. The days one spends in college, are one of the most enriching days in anyone’s life in ways more than one. Let’s dig in deep to find out how.

1. Meeting people from diverse backgrounds

The best part about college is that opens the canvas of life beautifully in front of you, in terms of helping you meet people from different walks of life. This helps in opening up one’s mind. It enables peer learning, which is one of the best forms of learning, and enables exchange of ideas, cultures, values, and the list can go on. This is crucial in fostering innovation and growth.

2. Making friends for life

Making friends is easy, but getting those who would stand by you through your thick and thin is not. Everyone ends up finding at least one such friend in college whom they can trust with their deepest of secrets, and can rely completely in times of need. Certain experiences with them form the part of college life that is the most memorable. After all, you may not remember the lessons learnt in classroom, but you surely would remember the memories you created outside it.

3. Getting used to adaptability

Today the most important characteristic one should imbibe in life is adaptability. And college ensures that you learn it well, and how! For example, in an Engineering course, we have 8 semesters. The subjects we learn in one semester are many a time completely different from subjects we learn in the very next semester. One tends to learn to adapt to changes. Life is full of surprises and college life prepares you for that.

4. Connecting with one’s alma mater

Networking is vital. And networking doesn’t limit to making college friends, but extends to meeting new professors, guest lecturers, corporate guys, and external resources that visit the college. Few years out of college, these are those sources that you can get back for support, be it mentors or talent to hire in your start-up. How cool is that!

5. Exploring yourself — A confidence Booster

Life is not limited to just academics. One gets to be part of different cultural events, and organizing fests and competitions. This helps one explore the inner self through the lens of these experiences. You get to know what you are capable of, and much more.

6. Mix of Ups and Downs

“A cloud with a silver lining” is the right quote to describe this phase. College life has its own share of ups and downs but makes sure that it’s a purely memorable learning experience. One gets to learn greatest life lessons in this phase.

College hence, is a crucial yet the most fun-filled period in an individual’s life. Make sure you live your life to the fullest during these years, and treasure these learnings & memories forever!

