Boost up your confidence with these easy tips!

Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2017

Literally every facet of your life is tied directly to your confidence level — low confidence leads to lonely nights, an out of shape body and (possibly) depression. Sky-high confidence manifests as success with women, your career and a general attitude of “winning.”

But can you just suddenly become confident? Anybody can become confident. Yes, even you. Especially you.

1. Never Stop Learning

Learning is a powerful confidence-booster because of that old cliche — knowledge is power. And power translates to confidence.

So pick up a book, take up a foreign language, dust off your old guitar. As long as you’re actively trying to get better at something, you’re going to feel better in all aspects of life — from dating to work and everything in between.

2. Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

People hardly ever post or share about the negative crap in their lives.Stop wishing you could be richer or taller or more successful with women. Do your own thing. Improve yourself. Keep learning. Because I guarantee there are a dozen other people who envy your life, too.

3. Hit The Gym

Seriously, there’s no excuse for being a slob. If that sounds harsh, I’m not sorry. Working out is the antidote, but you don’t need to kill yourself doing Olympic lifts and guzzling protein shakes 3 times a day.

Running, cycling, lifting weights…they’re all a means to an end. At the end of the day, regular physical activity releases feel-good chemicals in your brain.

Key takeaway: look good, feel good.

4. Master Good Eye Contact

Eye contact is so powerful because it makes you appear confident on the outside in addition to making you feel confident on the inside. Maintain eye contact for as long as the other person does, but look away a second or two after they do.

Just remember: downcast eyes equal submission, which is the polar opposite of confidence.

5. Drop The Drama

Is it really a big deal that someone took your favorite parking spot?

Are you going to die if Starbucks doesn’t restock on pumpkin lattes?

Probably not.

These little things don’t matter. When you stop focusing on the mundane junk that doesn’t really affect your life, you’re going to start smiling a lot more. Your head will be clearer. And you’ll be miles ahead of everyone else stuck in the same rut every day.

6. Start Taking Action

Without application, everything is just theory.

You’re going to have a few disastrous day game approaches where you make a fool of yourself. Maybe you’ll spill oil all over yourself. You might burn a few expensive steaks.

But there’s no other way to improve. And without improving your skills, you can’t improve your confidence.

7. Fake It Til’ You Make It

Instead of thinking of all the ways your interaction could go terribly, terribly wrong, just stop and assume it will go incredibly right — envision success every day until it becomes reality.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but this is what tons of professionals, actors, comedians and dating experts do every day. Eventually, you won’t have to fake it anymore because your confidence will be real.

But until then, it’s OK to cheat a little.

