Cashless is the new cool!

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

Demonetization did us well, as a country we’ve progressed beyond bounds. We’ve all seen days where we’ve stood at ATM lines, and also seen days where we have exchanged currency at the bank. But as college students we’ve always found it too tedious a task. We all would love a method where we don’t need to carry cash, and can head out anywhere without the fear of losing money.

A wallet that has no cash, now as absurd as that sounds, it’s possible. Just carry a PayCard and you’re set for a wallet that has no cash limit. Be it a college party or just hanging out with your friends, while the rest are too busy counting notes, worrying about ATM lines, you have a tool that lets you enjoy your time. We all have those days of being broke as a college student, and where we cannot ask our parents for more money. Your PayCard can also play the role of a credit card, and you can put back the money once it is convenient for you.

The world of technology has progressed on level one can hardly imagine. There are app’s and then there are digital wallets, there is net banking, and now the invention of the cool method of PayCard. These little cards also could give you exciting offers, many discounts. While in college your life is made easy through these cards. They are very safe, secure and can be banked upon too. What’s better is these cards can bepersonalized, and you can have your name on it. This method of going cashless can lighten your wallets the right way, and let you have all the college fun you have wanted to have. Bike rides, some movies, or just having lunch outside, don’t ever be bothered about how much money you have, just go cashless and have a good time.

