Make your loved ones happy!

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

Exorbitant gifts and college, these two don’t tend to go hand in hand. Low budgets, million friends,trauma of gifts, seems like the world outside of school got too real. But just like you break some rules in college to have your fun, we’ve sought for you some loop holes to gather those gifts and leave your friends to be stunned. If what you can give can leave the opposite person smiling, and you still not too broke to not be able to have another meal, what can be better right?

Now gift cards are a normal thing right, you’d wonder how that is any different, and why we’re boring you with content that is the same. TV commercials, radio ad’s, they all boast about it. Amazon has some amazing deals, and that still is no solution to your problem. Well actually, we’ve just tweaked the concepts of gift cards to suit your pocket. You’ve heard of phones on EMI, Laptops on EMI, but gift cards on EMI, sounds absurd right? Not particularly. We’ve got to you gift cards worth Rs.2,000 on EMI. You can gift with all your heart and yet pay only what you’ve got!

You cannot possibly know the taste or choice of all your friends. You definitely don’t want to go wrong, and buy them something they won’t wear. And when there are deals and options available, why won’t you just avail them? Gift vouchers and the best ideas for gifts since their invention, for it has the benefit of their choice and yours. Your budget, their outfit, suits each one, and leaves a happy memory of it. Explore some of our options on our website, and you’ll see how much you as a student can actually benefit of it.

