This is what nobody will ever tell you about-”life after college”

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3 min readNov 29, 2017

ll the good laughs, bunking classes, canteen hangouts are going to get over as soon as you step out in real competitive corporate world. So before you throw your cap in the air — or at least before you stage an Instagram photo of you throwing your cap in the air — allow me to share some things nobody will tell you. Yes! The life after college.

1. Job Hunting is necessary but dreadful sinister

Most graduates would wait for the end of the semester to get started with their job search, but not you. Your career consciousness doesn’t allow you to spend a minute of your time not figuring out a plan for your next move.

2. Your first job might not involve your branch in a considerable way

That’s only a minor problem though. You have 40 years to reunite your job with your branch or to find out that your major may not have major bearing on what you do in life.

3. Your 20’s are lonelier than you think they’ll be

you will wonder, is every other person my age at an amazing party right now that I didn’t know about? They’re not. There will be Friday nights that you don’t have anything to do.In fact, you probably won’t want to do anything on a Friday night. Because you’ll be tired.

4. Don’t spend all your time with idiots and then wonder why it’s hard to meet someone great to date.

If you don’t like where you are with whom you are then MOVE! You re not a tree. Become the kind of person you want to be with” might be clichéd advice best suited to Hallmark cards, but “Go where the people you want to be like are”

5. Don’t become a dinosaur

Just because your formal education might have ended doesn’t mean you should stop learning. If you don’t keep old skills sharp and continue to learn new ones, your career will become obsolete.

6. Don’t burn many bridges

Every industry is smaller than you think. Do your best to maintain as many relationships as possible at every job you had because not only their teachings and leanings will help you in future but also you will build some great contacts which is going to help you in future (of course! it never hurts to have contacts)

7. People will ask you about your job all the time

Every time you hang with your friends or Skype with your family, they’ll ask things like, “So, how’s your job going?” and “What’s new at work?” Also, when you meet new people they’ll unfailingly ask what you do. Was it any less of a tiring task when you had to answer similar questions from your Relatives when you were a student.

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