Make your premises smarter, safer and more sustainable with a unified smart building system

Ben Francis
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2021

Is your business wasting money on buildings which are under-utilised due to the COVID-19 pandemic and using more energy than necessary? Do you want to re-open those buildings, but need to safeguard and reassure occupants in order to do so?

Krellian offers a unified smart building platform, built on open standards, which can help make your premises smarter, safer and more sustainable through data analytics and building automation. Read on to find out more about how Krellian Hub and Krellian Console can help your business with its COVID-19 recovery and a reduced carbon footprint.

Twin Challenges

The two biggest challenges facing the world today need no introduction: The immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn; and the longer term implications of the ongoing climate crisis.

As the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic into a new normal, businesses are looking for ways to be smarter about how they use their buildings in order to optimise the use of physical space, safeguard its occupants and make buildings as efficient as possible.

The pandemic has accelerated trends towards e-commerce and flexible working and looks set to leave a lasting impact on the way people live, work and shop. Meanwhile we all face an increased urgency to decrease our carbon footprint and make our built environment more sustainable for the future.

The businesses who will thrive following the current economic downturn will be those who are able to adapt to this new normal and find smarter ways to operate.

Smart Buildings

Technology can help provide solutions to these big problems by helping us to gather data about what needs to be improved, and put in place the automation needed to make our built environment smarter, safer and more sustainable.

Separate Building Systems

Unfortunately building systems today typically use a range of separate proprietary technologies which can’t be linked together, which makes it difficult to get a complete picture and automate effectively. For example, if your heating, lighting and safety systems don’t know which parts of the building are occupied at what times of day and which appliances use the most electricity, it can be difficult to optimise energy usage and control the flow of people to reduce congestion.

Today Krellian is announcing two new products, built on the open WebThings platform, which will help unify smart building systems in order to provide more effective data analytics and building automation.

Krellian Hub and Krellian Console
  1. Krellian Hub is an enterprise Web of Things gateway which can unify a smart building by linking together incompatible building systems using open standards
  2. Krellian Console is a service for securely monitoring and controlling multiple buildings via the cloud, in order to make them smarter, safer and more sustainable
Unified Smart Building System

When building systems (like lighting, heating, ventilation, safety, security and energy management) are all linked together, it’s possible to build up a comprehensive picture of building usage and automate more effectively in order to improve safety, increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Krellian Hub

Krellian Hub consolidates your multi-vendor smart building systems into a single unified dashboard, to ensure you always have the full picture.

Krellian Hub
  • Open — Prevent vendor lock-in with an extensible add-ons system and open standards-based API (Application Programming Interface)
  • Reliable — Rugged edge computing designed for 24/7 operation, even during internet outages
  • Secure — Automatic software updates and containerised security for complete peace of mind

Krellian Console

Krellian Console helps make your premises smarter, safer and more sustainable through building automation and data analytics.

Krellian Console
  • Smarter — Automate your buildings with an intuitive rules engine and open standards-based API (Application Programming Interface)
  • Safer — Safeguard and reassure staff and customers with occupancy monitoring and connected digital signage
  • Sustainable — Optimise energy usage to save money on bills and reduce your carbon footprint

Register Your Interest

Whether you work in offices, retail, hospitality, entertainment or any other industry with physical premises, Krellian would like to hear from you to better understand how we can help make your buildings smarter, safer and more sustainable.

Visit to find out more and register your interest today for early access to these innovative new products. You can also follow Krellian on Twitter and Facebook.




Published in Krellian

Smart Buildings. Making our built environment smarter, safer and more sustainable.

Ben Francis
Ben Francis

Written by Ben Francis

Founder of Krellian. W3C Invited Expert on Web Applications and the Web of Things. Previously: Mozilla & Google.

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