The Quest for Kresk — Week 1 Recap

Kresko Fi
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

Hello Kreskians!

The first week of Quest for Kresk was a big success. And it is all thanks to the amazing response from you, the community.

In this post, we are excited to share some updates from the first week of the testnet competition. We’ll break down the numbers and feedback, improvements we have already made, and what comes next.

Participation summary

In the first week:

  • 3,623 competitors joined the Quest for Kresk
  • 900+ pieces of feedback submitted
  • 7,079 new Kreskians in the Discord
  • 25,000+ visitors to the Minter App
  • 9,532 new waitlist sign-ups this week
  • 21,321 total on the waitlist

We’re elated to see such a strong interest, and grateful for everyone who has taken the time to participate in the competition.

Your feedback

Your feedback is important. You sent over 900 pieces of feedback. We appreciate all of your thoughts and ideas — from the positive comments about the design and interface to the constructive criticism about features that need improvement.

Here’s some of what you had to say:

  • “Cool design and intuitive interface — everything is easy and convenient! Well done! You made a really qualitative project!” - Anton
  • “You can tell right away it’s a quality product. Way to go, keep up the good work guys” - Kurasaki
  • “Congratulations for the most fun testnet I’ve ever made. I’ve had no problems, I’ll be sure to share my experience with everyone.” - Ysf
  • “Yes, finally you launched your test product, so far the results are very impressive and without any problems at all, the tutorial is very clear and easy to understand, the UI is very attractive and fresh, every feature is packaged in a simple and straightforward way. keep up the good work team!!” - Alex

Updates and changes

Based on what we’ve heard from you, we’ve already made a few changes. Here are some of the improvements we’ve made in response to your participation and feedback:

  • Modified the protocol behaviour to improve liquidations
  • Updated the UI to make it more user-friendly, reliable, and performant
  • Updated the Minter App to optimise default transaction configuration
  • Expanded and improved documentation

We’re committed to making Kresko the best it can be, and we’re constantly working to improve it based on your feedback.

What’s next?

Our journey in the world of Kresk has only begun. There are a lot of exciting things planned for the coming weeks. Here are a few that you can look forward to:

New missions: We’ll be adding new missions to the testnet in the coming weeks, so there will be even more opportunities to earn points and compete for prizes.

More features: We’re constantly working to improve Kresko and make it the best possible platform for the community. We’re excited to roll out new features and improvements in the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned!

Community events: We’re planning some fun community events that we think you’ll love. These events will give you a chance to connect with other Kreskians, and share your experience and strategy.

We hope you have been enjoying The Quest for Kresk, a 6-week testnet competition.

If you haven’t already, sign up for access here. Note: Access opens only on Fridays at 00:00 GMT. You can still join us on Week 2.

Let us know in the comments, what has been your favourite part of Quest for Kresk so far? What has been the most challenging?



Kresko Fi

Making wealth accessible to anyone, anywhere. An open platform for synthetic stocks, commodities, and crypto. Founder: @hinduhacker