Kript app: Consolidated portfolio and profit investment ratio

Portfolio is a way to consolidate all the accounts and to see general performance of the investments

Kript Team
3 min readDec 11, 2018


Portfolio interface becomes available on the main screen at once after connecting API keys of any exchange or Ethereum wallet. You can control the accounts that should be taken into consideration when calculating the consolidated portfolio in its settings.

Portfolio indicators

The main screen of the portfolio (Brief) contains calculation of the following rates:

  • Capital (USD)
    The balance value of all the assets is recalculated in USD and then summed up
  • Capital (BTC)
    The balance value of all the assets is recalculated in BTC at the current exchange rate and then summed up
  • Profit today
    While calculating the current profitability, balances and operations of all of the assets are given in BTC (considering the exchange rate history)
  • Lifetime
    Profitability for the whole investing period. It is calculated considering the current date and the date of the first transaction of adding funds to the account or buy/sell.
  • Profitable weeks
    The lifetime of the portfolio is divided into calendar weeks, for each of them the profitability is calculated as follows: (number of the weeks with profit >0)/(total number of the weeks)*100
  • Trades per week
    The number of transactions is calculated for each week and then the median is calculated for this multitude
  • Risk diagram
    That is sharing of all assets from the portfolio into Bitcoin, Fiat, Ethereum and Other Altcoins.

Restrictions: Profitability ratios are based on the transaction history. Binance, Huobi Pro and Bitfinex exchanges do not provide access to the transaction history. Provided that accounts of these exchanges are included in the portfolio, information about profitability doesn’t consider operations with these exchanges accounts.

Asset indicators (profitability ratios)

Statistics for each asset is available with the use of clicking the asset from the Holdings screen.

  • Value in Folio
    The asset volume against the portfolio. Calculated by the following formula: ((asset balance in basic currency)/(the whole portfolio balance))*100
  • Amount
    The asset balance is given
  • Market value
    The asset balance recalculated in USD at the current exchange rate is given
  • Today Profit Value
    Absolute value of profitability
  • Today Profit Percent
    Change per day in percent
  • Realized Profit
    This indicator is calculated by the following formula: (Amount of sold currency*Average sale price) — (Amount of bought currency * Average purchase price)
  • Unrealized Profit
    This indicator is calculated by the following formula: Asset balance * (Current BTC price — Average purchase price)
  • Lifetime
    Profitability from the moment of asset appearance in portfolio. The calculation considers the current date and the date of the first purchase of the asset.
  • Net Cost
    Calculated by the following formula: Asset balance in BTC + realized profitability + unrealized profitability. After calculation it is recalculated into USD
  • Average Buy price
    Average buy price is calculated by the following formula: (C1*N1 + C2*N2 +…+Cn*Nn)/(N1+N2+…+Nn), where Cn is the currency price used at the purchase operation, given in BTC, and Nn is an amount of the purchased currency
  • Average Sell price
    Average sell price is calculated by the following formula: (C1*N1 + C2*N2 +…+Cn*Nn)/(N1+N2+…+Nn), where Cn is the price of the currency at the sale operation given in BTC, and Nn is the amount of the purchased currency
  • Hold from
    The date of the first purchase of the asset or the date of adding the asset to the account from external sources
  • Transactions
    Number of transactions with the asset

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