Kript app: large interface update

The next version of the Kript App is now available on iOS and Android

Kript Team
2 min readDec 31, 2018


What’s New

Consolidated portfolio

Portfolio interface becomes available on the main screen at once after connecting API keys of any exchange or Ethereum wallet. Lean more

Profitability ratios

Statistics for each asset is available when choosing the asset from the Holdings screen. Lean more

Repeat transaction

The action is available when choosing an operation in History tab: the parameters of the displayed transaction will be used to autofill a new application

What else?

Pending details

In order to cancel the application or to look through its details choose the application in Pendings tab

Profile recovery

Changed the device? You can always reset your profile including the list of selected exchanges, the transaction history and other settings. In order to do that, log in under your account and follow further instructions

Bugs fixed

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