Bubble Or Gold ? — The Real Value Of BTC

The Blockchain 999
The Blockchain 101
Published in
8 min readSep 17, 2018

This is the article I have been planning to write for a long time, but personal work busy with many market fluctuations should prioritize the analysis of market trends in advance. First of all, please affirm that this is a macro issue, even the world’s longtime financial experts are still arguing. So you do not necessarily have to argue about this article, which only the future has the answer, you can read and decide if I’m wrong or right, because this only based on my experience.

1.Real value and applicability of BTC

1.1 Features and liquidity of BTC

1.2 The practical application of the current MOF

1.3 Analyze the current performance of BTC

2.What is the real value of BTC?

3. Are there any Bitcoin Bubble?

3.1 Does Bitcoin look like Forex?

3.2 Bitcoin vs. Stock?

3.3 Why are the people keep playing with knowing they’re bubble ?

4 . Bitcoin, a race of ?

5 .What is the future of Bitcoin ?

Real value and applicability of BTC

Features and liquidity of BTC

Bitcoin is worth mentioning because of some of its features:

1. Used as a quick, cheap and easy way to make global payments with high liquidity
2. Limited, maximum limit 21 million BTC should not be inflation.
3. Confidential, unmanageable and interfering with any organization or country. Transactions are easily monitored by both the sender and the receiver.
4. Application of the blockchain model in the future.
As such, it is hoped that with these advantages, BTC will become a future currency in the flat world. That is the story of the future, talking about the present is as follows:

BTC is being accepted in many services, shops in which the largest and most popular may include:

1. Overstock.com (Specializing in huge range of furniture and fashion)
2. Expedia: The hotel reservation service is relatively large.
3. Newegg: A strong electronics retailer in the United States
4. Shopify, Foodler (Shopping and Dining Systems)
5. There are also many shops, cafes or Microsoft Xbox Game Purchases, Buy servers, domain providers: Namecheap, etc. There are also ATMs around the country that allow you to withdraw cash directly from Bitcoin.

The practical application of the current BTC

List the range of applications, liquidity above, but the actual calculation of the current BTC application is very low. BTC transactions for formal transactions such as purchases, withdrawals, etc. are all minimal. At the present time, BTC deals are mainly for the following, sorted in the popular order:

1. Trade
2. Buy and hoard, waiting for wealth in the future.
3. Used as a payment method for illegal industries (drugs, smuggling, money laundering).
4. Used in the daily transactions listed above.

Analysis of the BTC’s current features

Based on the theoretical features of the MOF, we provide feedback and information on the current performance of the MOF.

Is payment made by BTC fast? The answer is not fast but also not slow. With the number of transactions is not too large, but the transfer of BTC often overload, if the transaction period is over, the time can be up to several hours. To speed up, you can pay more, so this is against the fast and cheap transfer criteria, the current fast transfer is not cheap, and cheap is not fast. Compared to the large interbank transfer fees ($ 35- $ 45 per transaction), the current BTC transaction fee is not cheap. (Refer to https://www.bankofamerica.com/foreign-exchange/wire-transfer.go). In the face of high fees and fast payments, there are dozens of available, legal, and super-popular services available today in the world with Western Union, Money Gram, or online modes such as PayPal, Payoneer (Money in minutes ). The advantage over all other methods of BTC is: Easily, no one can intervene your transactions when you want to transfer money. Note: BTC confidential but no secret, no one can intervene your BTC number, but anyone can see how you send money received, how much balance, from which address, where to go etc.

Is the BTC being controlled by a person ?

National Bank controls that national currency, miners control BTC. So, BTC is dependent on the third object. It is easy to see, the BTC excavation from the mines, the Chinese excavation by the excavation of the individual increasingly small, weak. The ANTPool, BTCC, BTC.Top, SlushPool, ViaBTC and so on accounted for almost all the shares of BTC digging showed that they are like a shareholder in a joint stock company. BTC fates are decided by them. With the Segwit2x (Variation to BTC upgrade), voting through the hardware ratio clearly shows the answer to: Who has the right to set the result?

In addition, BTC is affected by politics and trading floors. A decision by China, Japan or the United States could put the BTC price on the cloud or go to hell for a day. A trading platform suddenly bursting money, hacked or closed will bring the same results.

What is the real value of BTC?

This sentence is easy to guess if compared with the correct guess Vietlott’s serial number. Over the past 7 years, people have been trying to value the BTC, giving out bubbles (several years before the bubble burst when the BTC was 1000, then $ 2000, then $ 5000). There are those who expect BTC up to $ 500,000 / 1 BTC, everyone has their own reasons, opinions, so what is the real value of the BTC?

First of all it is necessary to understand the value that is relative, human-valued and accepted by the majority. Not worth the absolute, many years ago rich houses hoarding ice, later to shells, that is the previous currency. Actually, you can use the shells for rice exchange, for example, all accept that, but in fact with the transformation, the poles of the old days become meaningless. The value of Bitcoin is the same, it is still in the process of determining its price.

To determine value, again need to understand the features, liquidity, but both these are still ongoing and there is a strong change and upgrade in the future, so the determination of the real value of the BTC The present is impossible.

Another problem that affects the BTC value: BTC is only the first, not the only one. The position of the BTC today is due to the beginning, so the future can change completely when the leader is no longer the number one, which is easy to see in the fields: Telephone, Television, Cars, Banking , …

Are there any Bitcoin Bubble?

The answer is yes, personally. It is the next bubble created by global finance. On a global scale, the market capitalization of the new coin at $ 180 billion, the highest trading volume of $ 9.8 billion, is so modest and small. This small to see the ball was never big to burst, it must be tight enough, big enough that happened. Some say that the Bitcoin market is too big to make a price, I think they have never seen the Vol trading on each floor, the highest point is only a few hundred million dollars / 24h. If you know a bit about the trillions of capitals of the New York Stock Exchange, Shanghai or even the hundreds of billions of dollars of Forex you will understand how small Bitcoin is.

The ETH’s plunged from $ 300 to $ 0.1 in a few minutes on the GDAX floor just because some sellers pulled out a few tens of millions of dollars causing Domino and triggered a stop-loss, The classic example of how coin market is still small.

So, for a small market, if it’s a bubble, it’s a very early process and it’s a long process. Therefore, the personal point of view is that the present time is relatively safe, not to worry.

Does Bitcoin look like Forex?

Bitcoin and other electronic currencies are much more interesting with virtual amplitude, double the account or split 3 accounts every day if needed. This is the key attraction of Bitcoin today. Trade people earn money, people lose money, the floor to eat transaction fees, miners are digging money, hardware vendors fire all. Generally speaking, a game with huge profits from many sides is extremely easy to grow. This can be seen through the turnover of the casinos, it makes a lot of people profit and a lot of people desire, greed.

Bitcoin versus stock?

Bitcoins and other types of electronic money generally have a lot in common with stocking. Prices are priced according to actual application and especially expectancy. ICO in the first stage is like when the stock market boom, people who are home hunting codes, companies coming to the floor. And then everything must go on order, the real value when the bubble burst. Big and valuable companies will keep their prices and throne, virtual companies will be wiped out and gone, with the same.

Why are the people keep playing with knowing they’re bubble ?

When Bitcoin has not determined the true value plus the profit margin is too large, the market size is still very small, if there are bubbles, then these are the right time to join, as soon as possible, before it’s broken. Comparing Bitcoin’s development chart, it coincides with these previous bubble :

Petroleum, BDS, NewYork Securities, Shanghai Securities, Gold and Dotcom.

Bitcoin, a race of ?

Raise then meat, that is the future of Bitcoin. There will be a big fight between the three groups, converging the most sophisticated heads in the country: the United States, China and the rest. Sometimes China can make hundreds of billions of dollars from this market, before the United States goes to the bottom of the table and regains more than half of China’s years of hard work. But with heads of state, the Chinese are not easy to do. Of course these things can not be seen in one day or two. For example, the US, which has accumulated huge amounts of dollars and sudden devaluations, suddenly has to share its lost value with all US citizens, with China losing the most $ 4 billion Reserve. Economic warfare is a trend of the future, as nuclear arms and aircraft carriers are now just to maintain the influence of the US dollar.

What is the future for Bitcoin ?

All bubbles are blown from usefulness, it only exceeds real value, practical value. BTC will have many advances, improvements and applications in the future. In the long run, BTC will be very popular and easy to apply to life, but it is a matter of the future, before the crash, the bubble needs to break, and BTC back to growth. stable, light and sustainable. At that time only 1 year only 15 20% was happy, let alone talk about x5 x10 as the present.

The article on this issue is too macroscopic and long, there are many things can not say, analyze all. Not to mention it’s too high with your level or so many economists, so that’s just for reference, this article does not accept arguments and bricks. Bitcoin has many potential but equally risky, so join in including trade and investing with a fair amount of money.

