Life Experiences that You Can Apply in Trading

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The Blockchain 101
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8 min readOct 9, 2018

Here are some interesting life experiences, applied in the trading coin ,they’re pretty good and funny, please share to your reference as well as entertain a little fun in the tension from trading ( this is for entertainment only )

1. Relationship between trading coin and gambling

2. Treating the new player

3. Black wire, red wire and gambling addictive

4. Low stake is winning, great stake is losing

5. Play cards as the goddess Long Tu

6. Hung Dao’s tactic in playing coin

Relationship of trade coin and gambling

Although there ain’t unrelated between trading coin and gambling , it is possible to find some common ground between them. For a cầu lô, when it is called died gambler (long time no return), you never expected that it will appear, because it was unusual then quickly. Actually not, unusual is more unusual, until you can not stand anymore it will return. Which usually after that will be about how to update (On Monday, skip Tuesday, Wednesday and again, or about 2 flashes). For coin, when it has fallen on the trend, it will decrease further, decrease without the increase immediately. So there are two tendencies to play coin:

Buying coin has been very inexpensive and waiting: It’s like picking a dead gambler to play, thinking of increasing chance that it’s not going to happen for a long time will be as high as thinking of the declining Altcoin will be a high augment. That kind of catching is pretty dangerous, of course play coin is better because you can wait for its backing up. Of course if it drops like STR from $ 0.057 -> 0.01x $, then you only need to grab at 0.03x $ only without cutting deficit is also tired. Does anyone remember XRP? Reduce for several months continuously, increase in one day, take a day off and return to 2 3 flashes.

Some people who choose a good gambler to play, it is like waiting for a coin to start raising price to jump into buying, surfing then. There is a risk as well, it is not new again, with the coin is increased then it does not increase anymore, but in fact this case is often win.

Treating the new player

No matter what probability or fate, new players have a quite good treat. Objectively, not to mention gambling bluff, sometimes self-alignment you have seen this yourself. For coin as well, new players usually win very well and easily. In essence, the new player points to the coin market when it is having a fever, so the flow of the scroll makes them win no matter what experience or knowledge. That is when the whole market grows, buy what coin also wins, buy land every increase, buy code Ck also eat.

But then only experience, bravery, control of the new greed that holds you back, both gambling and coin. Giving you 0.5–5 BTC can be up -> 2–10 bits, but if you give 100 BTC, you can do it as if there is 0.5 -> 1 BTC, which is multiplied by 2.

Black wire, red wire and gambling addictive

Silver or black wire players have even more ways to cut the wire. This string is interpreted as a black (black) or a continuous (red) string. When you are black, you are thirsty, silver thirsty or hot loans to play just lose, the money lost very quickly. What you lack at this time is consciousness, the head is very clear, the objectivity. Back to the coin market you will see the classic link:

Black / red wire: Buy also dead, Long also loses, Short also loses, just cut the hole, it turns the head etc. Now you are seasick, become irrational. For hugging a coin in a downtrend, bullshit is like putting your door open and folding every time. Have some luck, after several folds you eat. Hugging a coin also, there are times holding the liver to win you in just a few days, but there are times when you wait 1–2 years not sure it back to the top. The top of XRP in USD is 0.4x. When the market on the down trend, you buy Coin does not fall, cut holes and then catch the new hole again cut the hole, cut 4 times with DGB as you also have, you think of the black, black wire yours. In fact, you should cut the black wire with a cold head, stand still to sit there, fear of losing the opportunity, want to remove too fast you lose quickly. Then you are alert enough, the opportunity will come. Red wire as well as when the market up, buy coin what not eat, the first phase 04, 05 or this is the example.

It is paradoxical, the majority of gamblers hit the black line, hit the red wire at the time. If you know someone who has experience in the field of black, you will see that they are only red when it is red, hit when black. Unfortunately, the general psychology is easy to eat again, when hard to eat, because of the thirst.

Take waves in Coin: Example: BCH increased very fast on 01/08 with great fluctuations. You buy at the $ 800 threshold when the momentum is very strong, suddenly the market reversed to $ 650 in a few seconds, you panic to cut losses and switch to Short (Margin, Sell high prices, buy cheap, Interest = The price — the purchase price) to take back because he thought it was about to explode. BCH immediately rebounded to the $ 700 mark in a matter of seconds, you continue to hole with short order, found yourself wrong to cut back and buy BCH in, this time you wait for the liver it is about $ 300. If you play gambling you will see this form in: Fighting, Slaughtering, hugging the liver 3 games it faintly three games v.v. You gradually get drunk and just know the conclusion: Black too, hit anything also loses. For a coin when you can not predict a long enough trend of it, surf the net. Choose a good price to buy / sell, do not be too greedy and hurry.

Low stake is winning, great stake is losing

Still a classic connection. This happens by two things: greed and alertness. When you are small, you do not greed, you easily stop when there is no judgment. Beat you too greedy, do not stop when the hole. You can hit the baby, eat dozens, dozens of baby. But greed, blood heat in you arises, only the last 5 shill you cleared off the money earned earlier.

Absolutely never had the thought: From 100 tr h to 20 tr, hand, dead, death, any hole and then 20 tr do nothing. In a drunken, hot head you think like that, luck only comes to you 1–2 times, you will win by this dose, but please confirm in the long run you never red, lucky to be forever . There will be times when you feel the other 20 million how big it is when the bag is only 300k.

Play cards as a goddess Long Tu

Not to mention gambling bluff, Long Tu shared a classic experience in gambling: Playing cards can be 10 boards, 10 trees, 11 boards to really play nice post. That is the player’s brains. Trade coin is long, do not have to play today, tonight or even now if the results are not clear, if the risk ratio is too high. When there is a clear trend from the market, you play not late. Eating fish does not require the whole, one piece is enough.

If you have not played it yet, do not lose it, unless the market situation collapses, there is always opportunity for you. Let’s just say, I like to go shopping. At the market as well as the market in the morning, buy anything fresh is not good. When you go to the market, you will not have the skill, experience and level, you will buy a bunch of vegetables, rancid meat expensive to bring home only. You have enough brains, go to the afternoon market, still choose the good, you want more leisure, then sleep a morning market open and buy.

Hung Dao Jewels in the play coin

Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan once said: “If the enemy fight like storm is not scary, scary is eaten like a silkworm eat mulberry. This is not only true for coin but for all areas of life. The gradual change has a more dramatic effect than changing the shock a lot. If you smoke today, tomorrow’s cancer may be very suck, but it is like eating silkworms every day to kill people you kill, until you realize there is no chance. It is a waste of youth’s health online night, it is simply a habit of lazy or lazy learning, gradually every day will turn you into another person.

Back to the coin: The quick discount of a coin usually comes with a very quick recovery, practically few people lose when the market is so. But if it drops by 3% every day, 5% then goes sideways, the next day decreases slightly if you are not awake, then you realize it has reduced by several dozen%, sometimes up to 70% is normal. You do not know how to cut a hole, do not dare to cut simply fear if cut it up again right. The slow down of your sleep, it makes you familiar with the new price that forget that compared with just 2 days ago it has fallen by 40%. That is the silkworms eat strawberries, extremely dangerous. You can not even apply the average price strategy at this time. Try to look out for longer trends when you see coin type silkworms eat mulberry.

Happy trading

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