5 important things about Brickblock and why you should not miss the chance to participate.

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4 min readMay 14, 2018
Disrupting the $250 trillion industry right now

As I write this article there are more than 1600 cryptocurrencies listed on Coinmarketcapwith hundreds of new ICO in the comings. The whole crypto market is around $400B as of today where Bitcoin and Ethereum are combined for 55% of the whole market capitalization.

What does that mean in term of classifying the Brickblock ICO on the market?

Disrupting The Real Estate Business

The total value of all developed real estate on the globe reached US$250 trillion in 2017. That is 625 times as much as the whole crypto capitalization, and more than 1250 times as much as all the cryptocurrencies besides BTC and ETH combined.

And no one has been able to disrupt this business for centuries. O boy o boy, do I see a lot of potential in those numbers.

What stands out for Brickblock.io

  • If only 0,1% of Real Estate is to be tokenized in next 10 years we will have a value of USD$300 billion tokenized assets (considering the growth to USD$300 trillion) on the market.
  • Brickblock is the only project who can issue PoA tokens to holders that are legally entitled to the profits of the underlying asset. PoA stands for proof-of-asset tokens that are tradeable on the secondary market.
  • This is not a fairytale. The Brickblock.io is one of the only blockchain projects with a working product backed by technical and legal proofs of concept.
  • You will be able to participate in World’s first sale of a tokenized real estate asset shortly after the ICO concludes.

How many projects can disrupt that big of a market and are technically and legally ready for it?

Rating: 5/5

Working Project

How many ICO has raised millions of dollar without even a good whitepaper, not to mention the lack of any proof of concept or MVPs? Yeah, too many. I can assure you that most of those projects will not succeed.

Brickblock stands out with their working platform which can be tested right now at this link:

Feel free to see for yourself. Be sure to have Metamask installed to test the platform.

Rating: 5/5

Great Team With Strong Community

I have been following Brickblock last six months and seen a lot of AMA videos and publications and the conclusion is simple: Those people live and dream the project, they have done everything they can to push the development of the project in the right direction. They have overcome all legal issues and obstacles to be able to design an ecosystem in which you can buy and sell real estates on the blockchain. And that is a tremendous achievement as I am concerned.

The team has been increased 500% since the beginning of the first ICO and the latest partnerships with crypto influencers mean they figured out how to reach the most of social networks now that the crypto Ads ban is activated on Facebook and Twitter.

Rating: 5/5

Not Overhyped

Maybe this is not a big factor in terms of the success of a project, but in this case, I am very glad that the project is not overhyped in media. It has been proven over the history of a digital era that the less the general people understand the projects the bigger the chances are that the project will disrupt the industry.

That can only be a fact if we are dealing with the team that is intellectually technically and legally among the best in the business.

Rating: 4/5

Legally Ready

The question that pops up every time you mention any crypto project:

Is this legal and how do you plan to protect the investors from governments?

Brickblock has managed to bypass this legal obstacle by creating the unique proof-of-asset (PoA) token which is created on behalf of investment to every investor. PoA token holders are legally entitled to the profits of the underlying asset.

Simply put, you can invest in real estate without geographical restrictions with your Metamast wallet and ETH.

Rating: 5/5

Hurry Up, The ICO Ends Tommorow, May 15th, 2018

If you want to participate in the token sale you will have to hurry up. The ICO end tommorow on May 15th, 2018.

  • Hard cap: $50 million USD
  • Max potential supply: 320,000,000 BBK
  • Max circulating supply: 145,500,000 BBK
  • Tokens for sale: 75,500,000 BBK
  • Token price: $0.60 USD
  • Technical specifications: ERC20 token

Overal Rating: 4,8/5

If you want to know more about Brickblock ecosystem and all the tokens read my article A Simplified World Of Investing by Brickblock.io




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