Simple Living Challenge: Unplug

Krishan Patel
Krishan Patel
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2015

This is an edge for me. When I saw this post, I breathed a sigh of relief and happiness. My time in front of screens has compounded over the years.

Here are the screens in my life:

  1. iPhone 4s with me nearly all the time
  2. MacBook Air with me to and from work
  3. 42 Inch Television in our living room
  4. Kindle Paper next to my bed side and often with me to and from work

During the week, I estimate I spend 12 hours of my day in front of a screen.

Wake-Up (5 minutes): I wake up in the morning and turn off my alarm on my iPhone; and hopefully I do not feel compelled to check Facebook or my email. There are two reasons for this: (1) I prefer to give Sarika a hug to be the first thing I do in the morning as opposed to checking out random articles and posts on Facebook, and (2) I do not take the time to respond to any messages because I need to get up and get to work. In effect, I will go back and read the same messages and respond to them later.

Work (8 to 10 hours): I sit in front of my 19 Inch display and my Macbook Air and begin plugging away. I go to and from meetings with my laptop (taking notes, etc.).

My Time (1 Hour): When I am feeling tense or tired or otherwise do not have focus, I will take my phone to the bathroom (Yes, I admitted it. You should too.). Or, I will be responding to or viewing random WhatsApp or text messages.

Evening Time (1 to 2 hours): The evening is usually my decompression time, and I enjoy watching something on Netflix. And, I usually have personal emails or things to catch up.

Sleep Time (15 minutes): I enjoy reading and my Kindle has become my de facto reading tool.

In total, I estimate I am in front of a screen around 10 to 12 hours a day.

Of the 18 hours, I am awake each day, I am in-front of a screen for 75% of the time. In truth, I hate being in front of a screen. My shoulders are hunched over. My eyes feel tired. And, I just want to close them after long periods of use. I appreciate nature and human interactions, but my pace of life seems to require virtual interactions to keep up with the pace.

Here are some thoughts:

It’s a journey, not a destination: I am leaving my phone in my bag more and more. I am working on creating a lifestyle where the majority of my day is not in front of a computer, but until then the small moments in between will have to suffice.

Weekends are Precious: I am doing my best to reduce screen time during the weekend. The conditions for less screen time have not manifested during the work week, so I need to acknowledge what is in my sphere of influence.

Looking forward to Day 3. If you are interested in signing-up go

